Contributed by Submitted by: Don Brownlee (don.brownlee@csun.edu)
1907 Sou’wester, Yearbook of Southwestern University, Georgetown, Texas
The following students and faculty from Southwestern University in Georgetown, Texas are individually pictured in the 1907 Sou’wester. They are listed in order of family name, given names, class (fac=faculty; med=medical faculty; sr=senior; jr=junior; so=sophomore; fr=freshman), hometown and yearbook page. Class and hometown are not always provided. For seniors the yearbook includes a brief statement and list of activities. For this or other yearbook information, you are welcome to contact: (don.brownlee@csun.edu)
Abbott, J. S., med, 158
Allen, Gussie, so, Beaumont, 99
Allen, Mrs. J. R., fac, 20
Allen, John Robert, fac, 16
Amos, M. C., fac, 16
Auld, Mary, fac, 20
Ayers, Arthur L., Dallas, 100
Bailey, Byrdie, sr, Georgetown, 26
Baldridge, J. H., fr, Gorman78
Barcus, Allie, jr, Georgetown, 120
Barcus, J. Sam, fac, 16
Barton, Mattie Sue, 92
Bauknight, Annie, 92
Belford, Louise, fr, Georgetown, 125
Binkley, James Evans, fac, 19
Blackburn, W. L., sr, Junction City, 26
Bobo, E. J., sr, Georgetown, 26
Bourland, J. W., med, 158
Boutwell, S. S., so, Celeste, 70
Brewer, Robert Lee, fr, Kenney, 70
Bryan, G. J., sr, Fort Worth, 27
Burcham, Frank E., fac, 19
Campbell, Lucile, sr, Georgetown, 27
Caveness, F. D., sr, Mineral Wells, 27
Chapman, L. F., 102
Cheney, Nernie, 92
Chessher, Catherine J., fr, Georgetown, 125
Chiles, Nellie, fr, Dallas, 116
Church, Carrie, 116
Clamp, Nannie B., fr, Georgetown, 125
Clark, Pauline, 120
Clark, W. E., jr, Solomonville AZ, 98
Coble, J. M., med, 159
Cody, Claude Carr, fac, 4
Collier, Rannie, 120
Coltrane, Kate, 120
Cooper, E. B., fac, 18
Cooper, Madge, so, Georgetown, 125
Craig, William M., sr, Georgetown, 25
Daugherty, Gene, so, Georgetown, 125
Daugherty, Mabel Grace, so, Georgetown, 92
Dent, Ena, 120
Doak, Donald B., so, Olustee OK, 78
Dudley, L. E., so, Abilene, 70
Duncan, Miles J., med, 159
Edens, Mae, sr, Georgetown, 34
Edwards, J. Hale, sr, Waco, 28
Ellington, Pauline, sr, Vernon, 35
England, Iris, sr, Celeste, 28
Fields, Josephine, so, Merkel, 116
Fiser, Kate, 120
Fisher, Marilee, so, San Marcos, 86
Freedman, S. M., med, 159
Gammill, Irene, 120
Gibson, Louise, sr, Calvert, 28
Gillette, H. W., fr, Cedar Grove, 138
Golaz, E. H., med, 159
Graves, Gladys Grant, sr, Waco, 35
Griffin, J. R., jr, Merkel, 101
Hanover, Mary, fr, Wheelock, 86
Hardy, Bess, sr, Columbia, 29
Harkey, Claude S., so, De Kalb, 78
Harris, Ottie, 92
Hendry, Madge, 116
Hendrix, J. B., fr, Red Rock, 78
Heppenstall, Armour, so, Lockhart, 86
Hill, Ben O., sr, Hills Prairie, 29
Hotchkiss, Alleen, 92
House, W. C., Dallas, 100
Howard, Katherine, jr, Vernon, 86
Howren, Mamie, fac, 20
Huckabee, E. C., jr, Georgetown, 70
Hudspeth, Henry A., sr, Bryan, 29
Huncke, Antoinette Pignol, fac, 20
Hyer, Ray, so, Georgetown, 116
Ilfrey, W. L., jr, Cedar Bayou, 78
Jackson, Frances, 86
Jackson, Weta E., so, Corsicana, 120
Johnson, T. C., sr, San Marcos, 30
Jones, Ivalee, 86
Kahn, I. S., med, 159
Kanouse, Anne Mae, so, Terrell, 83
Kendrick, Ruby, 116
Key, Ira F., jr, Bronte, 98
King, J. E., jr, Childress, 70
King, Myrtle, 116
Kinsell, B., med, 158
Knowles, Miss, fac, 22
Langston, R. A., 78
Leak, Winfrey, 91
Leake, H. K., med, 158
Leath, J. O., jr, Kilgore, 70
Lockett, Gladys, so, Georgetown, 116
Long, Berenice, fac, 21
Lusk, Nora, 86
Macune, D., sr, Rising Star, 30
Mann, Mary, 125
Marchman, O. W., med, 159
Matlock, T. G., med, 159
McHenry, Margret, 92
McKennon, Maggie, fac, 21
McKenzie, Margaret, fac, 21
McReynolds, John O., med, 158
Metcalfe, H. O., so, Taylor, 78
Mitchell, Katie Mae, 83
Moore, L. L., sr, Crockett, 30
Moore, Stephen H., fac, 17
Morris, Monta, 86
Mosley, T. J., sr, Beaumont, 31
Munden, Edd, sr, Midlothian, 31
Nelms, Myrtice E., so, Georgetown, 120
Nelms, W. S., fac, 18
Nelms, William L., fac, 19
Niece, Ola, 86
Oldfield, Clara Annabel, fac, 21
Pace, J. M., med, 158
Peebles, Mary H., sr, Clarendon, 31
Pegues, Albert Shipp, fac, 17
Perkins, Julia, 93
Porter, Ada Mae, fr, Georgetown, 116
Porter, R. C., med, 159
Price, Early, 125
Pullen, Myrtle A., fr, Jacksonville, 120
Putman, Blossom, 120
Rasbury, Bertha Aubrey, sr, Ballinger, 32
Reed, Josie, 86
Reedy, John Henry, fac, 17
Reid, Josephine, fr, Calvert, 120
Richardson, Beulah, fac, 22
Ridley, Miriam L., fr, Gilmer, 92
Roberts, Charlie, 92
Roberts, Flora, 86
Runkle, Elizabeth, sr, Caldwell, 32
Russell, Elise M., fr, Mineola, 92
Sanders, Martha, fr, Georgetown, 125
Scaling, Agnes, sr, Fort Worth, 35
Scrimshire, J. H., so, Georgetown, 70
Seay, D. E., med, 158
Secrest, Lena, so, Georgetown, 86
Sessions, Jessie V., fr, Rockdale, 91
Shelmire, J. B., med, 158
Sherwood, Annie, so, Brookston, 83
Shine, Marguerite B., fr, Farmersville, 116
Smith, Cora Lee, fac, 22
Smith, Erma, so, Denton, 116
Smith, Norma, so, Denton, 116
Smoot, J. B., med, 158
Snyder, Gladys, 125
Stanford, Edward Rosemond, sr, Waco, 33
Stanford, W. J., sr, Lorena, 33
Starnes, Rhea, sr, Georgetown, 32
Story, Fred L., so, Ennis, 101
Switzer, W. Y., sr, Comanche, 25
Taulman, Minnie Lee, 86
Taylor, Gladys, fr, Kaufman, 120
Taylor, Mabel, sr, Georgetown, 36
Terrell, S. L., med, 159
Thomas, Mary, sr, Terrell, 25
Thompson, Ray, 81
Thurston, S. B., med, 159
Tinnen, Fay, 120
Tinsley, Randolph Ward, fac, 17
Tucker, J. L., sr, Waco, 33
Turner, Katie Lee, sr, Georgetown, 36
Vaden, Wesley Carroll, fac, 18
Van Aaken, Marie, fac, 22
Walcott, H. G., med, 158
Ward, C. F., 101
Wheeler, J. D., so, Aransas Pass, 99
Whittle, Bess, sr, Georgetown, 34
Whittle, Hazel, 120
Whittle, Jean, sr, Georgetown, 36
Young, Charles Henry, fac, 19
Young, Ryland Fletcher, fac, 18