Contributed by Submitted by: Don Brownlee (don.brownlee@csun.edu)
1927 Sou’wester, Yearbook of Southwestern University (Georgetown, Texas)
Below is a list of the students and faculty at Southwestern University in Georgetown, TX. For information about sports or club membership or for further information you are welcome to contactt: (don.brownlee@csun.edu).
Aiken, Edwin
Albin, Annis
Albin, Lera
Allbritten, Leo
Allen, Joe
Alvis, Eugene
Ames, Frederick
Arbuckle, Mildred
Armstrong, Jack
Ashworth, Mary E.
Awalt, Clyde
Ayres, Dorothy
Baggett, Kathleen
Ballew, Harvey C
Banks, Buford.
Barcus, Annie Edward
Barcus, James Samuel
Barnett, Margaret
Barron, Dorothy
Barron, Leroy
Barry, Ethlyn
Baskin, Clyde
Baskin, Rosalie
Bean, Isabelle
Beard, Hazel
Becker, Gladys
Behrens, Charles Lamar
Behrns, Lilia
Bell, Ernest
Bell, Walter Land
Bennett, Pauline
Biggs, Velma
Black, Grace
Blackburn, Wesley
Bode, Gilbert A.
Bowles, Elizabeth
Bowman, Bertha
Box, Melba
Brannen, Herschel
Brewer, Mabel
Bridges, Mrs.
Brigance, Mildred
Brooks, Johnnie Marie
Brown, Mildred
Brown, Rayburn
Buchanan, Frances
Buckingham, Tom
Buckner, Paschal
Buffington, Beverly
Bunting, James A.
Burgin, Bess
Burleson, Cordelia
Burleson, James
Burnett, L. B.
Butler, Hugh
Byee, Clara Belle
Caldwell, Loula Belle
Caldwell, Will E.
Campbell, Emory
Campbell, Eugenia
Campbell, Evelyn
Carl, Hope
Carpenter, Christine
Carroll, Francis
Carter, Roscoe
Cates, Margaret
Caton, Mary
Chreitzberg, R. H.
Chrisman, Rozella
Clampitt, Doris
Clark, Frank
Clark, Iva Lee
Clark, William B.
Clements, Emanuel C.
Clements, J. T.
Clinton, Maurine
Cobb, Kathryn
Compton, H. Ayres
Conelly, Ottie
Cooke, Ena Mae
Cooper, Tommie
Corbett, Betty
Cordill, Margarette
Cox, Frances
Cox, Theo
Cox, Thera
Cravy, Sadie
Crenshaw, George Samuel Parker
Cruikshank, Etta
Cunningham, Clay
Cunningham, Henry
Cunningham, Jean
Cunningham, Sothron
Curry, Walter
Czarowitz, Francis
Darwood, Grace
Dashiell, Douglas
Davidson, William Paul
Davis, A. E.
Davis, Allen
Davis, Beulah Estelle
David, Jessie May
Davis, Molly
Davis, Ruth
Davis, Virgie
Davis, Zola Belle
De Vilbis, Fay
Dice, James
Dickson, William H.
Dobes, Josof
Douglas, Helen
Douthit, Harry
Downman, Burch
Dozier, Elizabeth
Duncan, Bruce
Duncan, Dawson
Duncan, Starkey
Durrenberger, Charles
Durst, Harby
Edens, Lucile
Elders, Ella
Elliott, Margaret
Elliott, Norma
Ellis, J. Arthur
Ellyson, Elizabeth Mary
Emerson, Camilla
Enochs, Emily Jervis
Ericson, Ima
Ewing, Gladys
Fair, Wilma
Faubion, Lucile
Featherstone, Ruth
Ferguson, Mrs. Anne
Ferguson, Mrs. Ruth Morgan
Fikes, Jean Hazel
Flin, Glenn
Fly, Elizabeth
Fly, Etta
Foster, Gertrude
Foster, Lee
Fowler, McSwain
Fowler, Tom
Fox, Howard
Fox, Mary E.
Fox, Neale
Fox, Walter
Franklin, Edwin
Franklin, Marvin
Freeman, Mary
Fry, Dudley
Fry, Leslie
Fry, Stanley
Gafford, Shelton
Gafford, Vera
Gardner, Walton
Gates, Dave
Gates, J. Y.
Gillett, Laura
Gober, Jim
Godbey, John Campbell
Goodson, Berta
Goodson, Janice Elizabeth
Gordon, Louis A. J.
Gordon, P. T.
Graves, Harold
Gray, Herbert Lee
Gray, Jeannette
Gray, Marion
Gray, Willis
Green, Lester
Greenwood, Helen
Greer, Betty
Greer, Cyntheal
Griffith, Travis
Guggolz, Hal
Gusman, Ethel
Gusman, Richard
Guthrie, Robert Vernon
Hahn, Clarence
Hall, R. B.
Hamilton, Kathlyn
Hardin, Dick
Hardin, Ernest R.
Hardin, M. M.
Hardin, Mary
Hargreaves, Alice
Harkey, Rockey Ammons
Harris, Charles
Harris, Ida Merle
Hasness, Winifred
Hausenfluke, Myrtle
Hawkins, Ollie
Hawkins, R. M.
Heard, Ethel Lee
Hebert, Loraine
Hempel, Raymond
Hemphill, Mary
Henson, W. D.
Hereford, Ernest H.
Herring, Mary C.
Hester, George Coone
Hickman, Katherine
Hill, Alfred
Hill, Ennis
Hitchcock, Alice
Hodges, Claire
Hodges, Elizabeth
Hodges, Lorraine
Hodges, Marion L.
Hodges, Mary Lou
Hoffman, William P., Jr.
Hoke, Samuel
Holitzke, Mary
House, Wade
Howard, Claud
Hubly, Lillian
Hudler, Tony
Hudson, Grace
Hudson, Mary Zada
Huff, Earl
Humphrey, Joe
Hunter, Frances
Hurt, Hosephine
Hyman, Louise
Innis, Homer
Insall, Thelma
Isaacs, Robbie
Ivey, Burnet Steele
Jackson, B. F.
Jennings, C. H.
Jennings, Claude
Johns, Don
Johns, Lloyd
Jones, Elizabeth
Jones, James
Jordan, Ruby
Jordon, Emily
Karbach, Alta
Keeling, Edgar R.
Keith, George R.
Keith, Lilian
Kemp, Ruth Rosemary
Kennedy, Lillian
Kerr, L. A.
Kilgore, Bernice
Knopp, George
Krensavage, Mary
Kuykendall, Laura
Landrum, Christine
Lanier, Ossie Mae
Lassiter, Annie Lee
Lassiter, Dorothy
Lawrence, Kelly
Ledger, Scott
Lee, Lois
Lee, William Howard
Legg, Donald Maurice
Lehmberg, Frederick C. A.
Lehmberg, Lee
Leissner, Robert L.
Lewis, Helen
Lewis, J. Wooten
Logan, Albert
Long, Charles
Love, Joe Brown
Love, LaNelle
Lovell, Hollis
Lowe, James E.
Lundell, Emma
Lynum, John
Maize, Lucile
Malechek, Norman
Markham, Frank
Marsh, Evelyn
Marshall, Riley
Martin, Lila
Mason, Edwin
Mathews, Annette
May, Jim
May, Lorene
McAfee, Rufus
McCaleb, William
McClendon, Madeline
McCord, Bernard
McDaniel, Leslie
McKennon, Margaret
McLaughlin, Arthur
McMullen, Reed
McNeil, Lena
McNeil, Leora
McSwain, Richard
Medlen, Raymond
Meekins, Lewis
Mercer, Johnnie
Meredith, Ruth
Michael, Margaret
Middleton, Cecil
Mihulik, Edwin
Miller, Beatrice
Miller, Joe
Miller, Myrna
Miller, Nick F.
Mitchell, Florence
Mitchell, Ruth
Moet, John Allen
Mood, Francis
Mood, Frank A.
Moorman, James Bolling
Morgan, Clyde
Moses, Lorena
Moses, Raymond Bryant
Moses, W. H.
Moss, Maxine
Moss, Walter E.
Moten, Homer
Mulling, Hazell
Murphy, Mary A.
Myers, Lucile
Neas, Pearl
Nelson, W. H.
Newbury, Thomas
Newman, Neely
Newton, Agnes
Nichols, Alfred
Nichols, Mary Frank
Noble, Gladys
Norman, Arlee
Nunn, Curtis
Oden, Irene
Olsen, Selette
Onstot, Edward P.
Onstot, Howard C.
Ozment, Jewel
Ozment, Lourine
Pace, George R.
Palm, Anna Blanche
Palmer, Bruce
Parker, Maude
Parker, Oswald
Parsons, Lloyd
Patterson, Charles Elmo
Patterson, Mary
Payne, Evalyn
Payne, Marylee
Pearcy, Edith
Percy, William M.
Perkins, Elizabeth
Perrin, Bessie
Perry, Ellis
Perry, Merle
Pierce, Foy
Piper, T. J.
Platt, Elizabeth
Pollard, Lura
Pollard, Mildred
Poole, Gwendolyn
Powell, Edna May
Powers, Ernest C.
Powers, James Ezra
Price, Franklin
Price, Vernon
Pyle, Walter
Queen, Ruth
Raborn, Carroll
Ray, Mrs. Mary Martha
Reaves, George
Reed, Walter
Rees, Wade
Reese, Erette
Reese, Martha
Reese, R. W.
Regan, William
Reynolds, Grady
Richards, Tommie
Richeson, Arthur K.
Robertson, Tommy Lou
Robidoux, Bertha
Robinson, La Bertice
Robison, Andrew
Robuck, Elvi Leigh
Rogers, Ernest
Roughton, Curtis
Rowntree, John
Sadler, Ruth
Saunders, Hazel
Schow, Maidee
Schweers, Clarence
Scott, H. H.
Seafers, Frederick
Sentell, Johne D.
Shell, Dorothy
Shepperd, Bailey
Shepperd, Evelyn
Short, John Q.
Shrader, Russell E.
Simpson, Lenora
Smith, Cleo
Smith, E. Babe
Smith, Fred Cooper
Spacek, Thelma
Spencer, Tennessee
Sponberg, Luerene
Stafford, Gerard
Stansell, Mildred
Stevens, Joe
Stewart, Mary Lee
Stiles, Carra
Stiles, Lois
Stirling, La Verne
Stocklas, Florine
Stone, Tula Lee
Suddath, Clyde
Sullivan, Wilmuth
Sutton, Imogene
Tally, Dorothy
Tarver, Elizabeth
Tarver, Katherine Field
Taylor, Guthrie
Teague, Weldon
Terry, Frank Harold
Terry, Joseph
Thomas, Jayne
Thomas, Jesse
Thomas, Kennard
Thompson, Lillian
Thompson, Mary
Thompson, William
Tisdale, Velma
Tinsley, Randolph Wood
Tompkins, Evelyne
Trenckmann, Mercedes
Triggs, George
Truitt, Della Mae
Truitt, Gertrude
Tunnell, Ruth
Ullrich, Oscar A.
Vaden, Wesley Carroll
Vaught, Verna Mae
Vaughn, Chester
Vaughn, Rudolph L.
Verduzco, Paul
Vineyard, B. L.
Wade, Maggie
Wade, O. C.
Wagnon, Bentley
Wakefield, Nell
Walker, Archie
Walker, Lena
Wallace, Martha
Wallace, Velma
Walling, Rosemary
Walters, Mack
Walton, Agnes
Wapple, Albert R.
Ward, Bunny
Ward, Luella
Warinner, Lewis T.
Webb, Velma
Weir, Afton C.
Weir, Avis
Weir, Leta
Wentz, William Dwight
West, Josephine
Westphall, Corrine
Wherry, Ruth
Whigham, Carmen
Whigham, Herschal E.
White, Cecil Thayer
White, J. Aubrey
White, Melvin
Whitehurst, Gertie
Whittington, Fern
Whitworth, Jack
Wier, Eleanor
Wilbern, Glen
Wiley, Anna Rae
Wiley, Imogene
Wiley, T. E.
Wilkes, Edith
Williams, Frances
Williams, John
Williams, Lois
Williams, Myron Lawson
Williamson, Jewell
Wilson, Eloise
Wilson, Evelyn
Wilson, Ione
Wilson, Joe
Wood, Goree
Woodruff, Whitten
Wynne, Mary
Yarrell, Marjorie
Yearwood, Florence
Young, Fred M.
Young, Mary
Young, Mrs. O. D.
Young, Mrs. Paul
Young, Paul Patterson