LOVE, Alice

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Submitted by: (Mary Love Berryman) – December 5, 2005


Miss Alice Love Passes Away Monday

The hearts of many friends throughout this section were made sad Monday when it was learned that Miss Alice Love, after a week of critical illness, had passed away at her home on Collette street in Florence shortly after eleven o’oclock took that morning. Tuesday before her death, Miss Alice was stricken with partial paralysis, and despite all hopes that she, might bespared yet awhile, grew steadily weaker until the end came.

Mary Alice Love, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. H. D. Love, deceased, was born near Andice, December 12, 1861, and lived In that community until 1870 when she moved with her parents to the farm two miles north of Florence which was the faintly home for forty years. Since 1911 she had lived in Florence at the home where she died.

In her younger years, Miss Alice was a teacher in the schools of Williamson county, and a member of the Florence school faculty in the middle nineties. After her retirement from the teaching profession, she took no active part in public affairs, but retained a keen interest in local and world activities until the end. At the age of 12 years she united with the Oak Grove Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and for 74 years remained a loyal member, and a devout christian whose influence for good will live on in the lives of those who follow her. In the home, and in the hearsts of her neighbors and friends she leaves a place that can never be refilled.

She is survived by two brothers and three sistere: W. C. Love of Florence, E. S. Love of Corpus Christi, Misses Ada and Hattie Love of Florence, and Mrs. Tom J. Cooper of Georgetown. Other survivors, are five nephews, two nieces and numerous other relative

Funeral services were conducted at the Methodist Church in Florence at two o’clock Tuesday afternoon by her pastor, Rev. Alister Sinclair, assisted by Reve, Homer Cox and J. B. Dwiggins of the local Methodist and Baptist churches. Interment was in Florence Cemetery, with StokesYoung Funeral Directors in charge of the burial ceremonies.

The sympathy of the community is with the bereaved family in their sad loss.