Located in Cedar Park, Texas
Latitude: 30.51190 Longitude: -97.75690
From Parmer Lane take Brushy Creek Road east to Champion Park on the right. Turn into the park and turn left and go to the end of the parking lot and park. Look south across the field and you will see a concrete pillar and a little further to the right a flag pole and a bridge. The cemetery is just to the right of the concrete pillar. Walk across the field and you will see the cemetery enclosed by an iron fence a short way from the hike and bike trail of this park.
Champion, Baby : unknown – unknown
Champion, Calvin Whitfield : Mar. 20, 1869 – Oct. 19, 1869
Champion, Corelia Josefhene : Feb. 5, 1871 – Dec. 11, 1879
Champion, John Jack : Oct. 25, 1817 – Dec. 12, 1909
Champion, Naomi Jane Standefer : Jul. 14, 1834 – Dec. 24, 1862
Champion, Pauline Jane Brown : Aug. 14, 1866 – Apr. 11, 1886
Handley, “husband” : unknown – unknown
Handley, “wife” : unknown – unknown