File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: franksshadowe@webtv.net (Frankie Evans Marshall) – June 1, 2003
VOL 1 PAGE 405
State of Texas )
That I, Parthinea Coursey of the County and State aforesaid do on this first day of June A D Eghteen hundred and fifty in and for the consideration of five hundred dollars to me in hand paid by George W Glasscock of the County of Williams_ and State aforesaid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged do hereby grant, bargain, sell, alien & convey and do by these presents grant, bargain sell convey and confirm unto they aforesaid G W Glassock his heirs and assigns all of my right, title, intrust and estate of me and my heirs and assigns in and to a certain tract or parcel of land being one half of league of land lying being situated in Williamson County and State aforesaid on the waters of Brushy Creek, begining at the N W corner of said league; thence S 71 W 3000 three hundred varas; thence S 19 E (1900) nineteen hundred varas; thence S 71 W (2446) two thousand four hundred and forty six varas; thence S 19 E (1248) twelve hundred and forty eight varas; thence N 71 E (5446 five thousand four hundred and forty six; thence N 19 W (3148) three thousand one hundred and forty eight to the place of begining, containing twenty two hundred and fourteen acres and no more granted to me by patient from this State as part of my headright done at the City of Austin on the 16th January 1850 No 121 in Vol 9 being the north half of said league.
To have and to hold they aforesaid described twenty two hundred and fourteen acres of land they aforesaid G W Glasscock, him and his heirs to his and there use and behoof for ever from me and my heirs and assigns forever and I do hereby warrant and defend they aforesaid described land from me and my heirs and assigns and each and every person or persons lawfully claiming the same in and through me and my heirs.
Given under my hand and seal the day, date above written in the presents of these witnesses. Test: B F Mott, Thos B Hulling, M K Thomason PARTHINEA CORSEY X her mark
State Texas )
County Jasper)
Personally appeared before me John Frazer County clerk in and __ the County of Jasper & State aforesaid Thos B Huling to me personally known who by me being duly sworn sayeth upon oath that he was present when Parthinea Cousey signed the within deed and that she signed, sealed, sealed and delivered the same for the puposes therein mentioned to the end.
Given under my hand and seal of office, this 4th day of June A D 1850.
John Frazer, C C C of J C.
I do certify the foregoing is a true coppy of the original deed filed in my office on the 5th day of July, 1850. G T WILLIAMS, Clk Co Ct W Co.
I am a ggggranddaughter to Parthinea Coursey