Humble Family

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Contributed for use in the Texas Archives by:
Jeannie Hartwick


This Bible in possession of:
Jeannie Hartwick (2007)
2719 Wildridge Drive
Kingwood, Texas 77339

(Front Page)
J. E. Humble
Leander, Texas
January 7, 1885 My Marriage Date
(Between Old and New Testaments)

Family Record–Births
Fletcher H. Humble was born the 7th day of April A.D. 1928.
Elizabeth Humble was born the 16th day of June A.D. 1831.
William Kelly Humble was born the 13th of June A.D. 1851.
Laura Ann Humble was born the 22 of January, 1854.
Mary Francis Humble was born the 14th of February A.D. 1856.
Married Feb. 14, 1877 to Luther Poole
Jesse Ezekiel Humble was born the 14th of December A.D. 1857.
Ardelia Ann Wells Humble, born April 4th A.D. 1863.

Family Record–Births (p.2)

Arthur Jones Humble born October 13th 188?.
Effie Maude Humble Dec. 9th 188?
Walter B. Mohle. Oct. 28th 1884
Don Chapman Born Sept 9-1894 Died Dec. 29, 1947.
L. Fula(?) Chapman Born May 25, 181?
Mrs. Della Chapman Died Oct. 17-1950
A.W. Carpenter Died

Family Record–Deaths

F. H. Humble died July 17th A.D. 1884 Age 56 yr 5 mt 10 d
Elizabeth Humble Died April 19, 1903 Age 71 ys 10 mo & 3 days
Arthur J. Humble Died Sept 28 1905 Age 19 yrs 11 mo 15 days
Ardelia Humble. Jan 15, 1937
J. E. Humble March 6, 1963
Walter Mohle Feb 2, 1967 1884 Oct 28
Wame(?) Wells 2 yrs younger Born 2/9-1871
(Page torn)-Wells Died 1-3. 1947
(Page torn) la 2 yrs. older

Family Record–Marriages

Fletcher Hamilton Humble and Elizabeth Stone was married the 27th of Aug. 1850.
Jesse E. Humble and Ardelia A. Wells married January 7th A.D. 1885 near Leander Texas
E Maud Humble and Walter B. Mohle married May 11-1910-

(Hand written at top of page)

J.E. and Ardelia Humble made a profession of religion July 25, 1886 and joined
the Cumberlan Presbyterian Church, August 8th A.D. 1886.
Arthur J. Humble received infant Baptism August 8th 1886.
J.E. and Ardelia Humble joined the Methodist Church August 31, 1890.
The Cumberlain Presbyterian Church at Leander Dismissed-Membership transfered church
Maud Humble received infant baptism Apr 24th 1892.
Maud Professed religion and joined the Methodist Church.
Mrs A. D Davis died Dec 31, 1950
Mrs Jane Wells Died March 6, 1962.

*Spelling recorded as written in Bible. Photocopy available on request. Bible in poor condition.