James Logan Morrison

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Submitted by Mary Love Berryman marylove@tyler.net


History of Texas, Together with a Biographical History of Milam, Williamson, Travis, Lee and Bastrop Counties; Published in 1893; Lewis Publishing Co, Chicago, IL; 826 pp.

J. L. Morris, more familiarly known as Logue Morris, is one of the early settlers of Williamson county, having located in his present neighborhood in 1856. The Morris family were originally from North Carolina, and moved into Franklin county, Tennessee, in an early day. John Morris, the father of our subject, was born in North Carolina in 1802, and his death occurred in Franklin county, Tennessee in 1848. He was married in that county in 1828, to Sarah Frame. In 1854 the mother and family came to Texas, spending the first two years in Travis county, and then located near where our subject now resides, eighteen miles northwest of Georgetown, at the head of Berry’s creek, in Williamson county. It was then a frontier place, wild game of all kinds was plentiful, and an occasional visit from hostile Indians disturbed the peace of the community. This locality is now one of the most prosperous and thickly settled parts of the county. Mr. and Mrs. Morris had nine children: Ellen, deceassed; Adaline, now Mrs. Ferguson, of Goliad, Texas; J. L., our subject; John, of Hamilton county, this State; William, a resident of Taylor; Edward, of Williamson county; Fannie, deceased; Ann, now Mrs. Gardner, of Mills county, Texas; and Virginia, wife of John Moore, of Florence, this county. The mother lived with her children after they left home until her death, which occurred in August, 1887.

J. L. Morris was born in Franklin county, Tennessee, February 19, 1832. At the death of his father the care of the family was thrown on his young shoulder, although he was only sixteen years of age, and he assisted his mother in keeping the children at home until they were able to care for themselves. At the opening fo the late war he enlisted in Company I, Twelfth Texas Cavalry, served in the Trans-Mississippi department until the surrender, and participated in the battles of Cotton Plant, Pleasant Hill, Yellow Bayou, etc. Mr. Morris now owns one of the finest prairie farms in Williamson county, consisting of 363 acres, 140 acres under a fine state of cultivation and situated on the Lampasas and Georgetown road, eighteen miles from the latter place.

In 1868, in Williamson county, our subject was united in marriage to Susan Moore, a niece of L. Moore, a Texas pioneer. To this union have been born seven children: Sarah, now Mrs. Edgar, of Gum Springs, Texas; J. R., William, James, Clara, Bernice and Susie, at home. Mr. Morris is a staunch Democrat, and a member of the Missionary Baptist Church.