Located in Norman’s Crossing, Texas
Latitude: 30.49531 Longitude: -97.49442
From 79 between Hutto and Taylor turn south on FM-3349 (Frame Switch Road). Drive until you see the Kimbro Historical Sign on the right side of the road. The small fenced in cemetery is in the field to the west and readily visible from the road. If you dead end on FM-1660 you have gone to far.
Kimbro, Daniel: 1808 – 1852
Kimbro, Edwin T.: Mar. 27, 1868 – Mar. 21, 1883
Kimbro, Euclid U.: Nov. 20, 1833 – Aug. 6, 1895
Kimbro, Kate: Aug., 1862 – Oct., 1947
Kimbro, Lucinda: unknown – May 14, 1897
Kimbro, Mary “Polly” Gilbert: unknown – 1851
Kimbro, Molly Polly Gilbert: unknown – 1951
Memorial, Kimbro Slaves: unknown – unknown
Slaves, Kimbro Family: unknown – unknown