Moore, Lewellyn “Uncle Lewis”

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Submitted by: (Mary Love Berryman) – December 5, 2005


Lewellyn “Uncle Lewis” Moore

Although he had lived almost four and a half score years, there was gloom cast over the town and community yesterday morning when the sad news went out that “Uncle Lewis Moore” – as he was familiarly known— was dead.

He was among the very early settlers in this community, having settled the place about two miles north of Florence in 1854 and living there until his death. For 59 years he had lived at this place, where he reared his family. Uncle Lewis was a native of Alabama; came to Texas in 1849, and joined the Texas Rangers, with whom he served two years. He then returned to Alabama, where he married and returned to Texas as before stated, in the year 1854 and settled the place near Florence where he lived until his death. He was a great hunter and trapper and in his declining years, if he enjoyed anything better than trapping for wolves, polecats and rattlesnakes, it was to got some of his friends together while be told of the great sport he had in this country with his dogs, guns and traps in early days in the Florence country. Thus passes another of the brave pioneers who came here and blazed trail that We might follow and enjoy the fruits of the land discovered. We cannot close without mentioning the everready smile Uncle Lewis had for everybody, and it always made the “grouchy” person feel better to meet and talk to him.

Copied at the Florence Library 12 Nov 1932.


Copied from the Florence Cemetery Records

EPPIE, wife of LEWELLYN MOORE – Jan. 7, 1833 – Feb. 11, 1918

LEWELLYN MOORE – May 16, 1824 – Oct. 15, 1913

Note: Lewellyn “Uncle Lewis” Moore was the son of Lewellen Moore and Priscilla Thornton of Fayette Co, AL. He was a brother to John Mayfield Moore.