Lord Cemetery

Lord Cemetery

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This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb
Archives by: Debra Coursey Pitts


Surveyed & photographed in Sept.2005 by: Debra Coursey-Pitts.

Photos have been submitted to the Tombstone Transcription Project for viewing also.
Location: West of Georgetown just off Fm.Rd.2338 (Williams Dr.)on Shell Rd.,surrounded by a new housing subdivision.
The old cemetery has a white pickett fence around it that can be seen from Shell Rd.
This cemetery has numerous unknown gravestones in it , scattered about and/or placed in piles under the trees.
There are only 2 stones still readable at this time,one not so clearly decernable.They are ….

Jan.23,1846 / Nov.15,1902
w/o L.R.Lord

(note:unsure of clarity of dates ,look like ..)
Aug.25,18?? / J??.25,187?
s/o L.R.& C.Lord

There is what appears to be a large piece of broken headstone that rests under one leg of the old rusty iron fence that encloses these particular markers.

I wonder if it could be the headstone of the father L.R.Lord?