Submitted by Mary Love Berryman (marylove@tyler.net) – 5 December 2004
Mrs. Marinda Jackson Dies Suddenly at San Saba
Announcement of the unexpected death of Mrs. Marinda Jackson received here tod rty [Thursday] was a sad shock to relatives and friends of this place. The death of Mrs. Jackson occurred this morning at the home of her son, Terrell Jackson in San Saba where she had gone to attend to some business matters and for a visit after a severe illness a month or more ago from which she appeared to have recovered.
Marinda Ann Tomlinson was, born in the Florence community July 14, 1875; died in San Saba October 21, 1937. In 1898 she was married to J. T. Jackson at Florence and three sons were born of this union one of whom died in infancy. The other two, Terrell, of San Saba, and Clinton, of Tahoka, survive. and were with their mother when she died. She also leaves one sister, Miss Mary Tomlinson, of Florence, and one grandson of San Saba.
When left a widow by the death of her husband in 1908, Mrs. Jackson remained in Florence to rear her two young sons, until in 1924 she moved with her sons to San Saba and lived there until the death of her mother of this place in 1936, when she returned to Florence to make her home with her sister. In young womanhood she became a member of the Church of Christ and remained true to her convictions throughout life. With the exeption of about fifteen years of’ residence in Cherokee and Lometa Mrs. Jackson spent all of her life among the people of this section, and her death is a personal bereavement to her many friends here.
The time for funeral services has been set at two o’clock Friday afternoon, at the Church of Christ. Interment will be in the Tomlinson Cemetery west of town.
Copied at the Florence Library 12 Nov 2004.