Contributed by Mary Love Berryman
Newspaper Article – Origin or date unknown. Believed to be held in Florence, Williamson Co, TX
The Reunion.
“All’s well that ends well” says Shakespeare, and that might have been said of the reunion of the Moore brothers and sisters at Mr. L. C. Jackson’s Wednesday, Sept. 1st. The party was composed of the families of Messrs J. P. and J. T. Moore, Mrs. S. P. Morris, L. Moore, Jr. and Mrs. S. F. Tomlinson, also Mrs. Mattie Harrison and little son of Seymour, Tex. Others present were, Mr. L. Moore Sr. and family, Mr. Frank Paden, Miss Bettie Miller and Ernest Trible. All were present promptly at 12:30 which was the dinner hour. And this was the first time in twenty-nine years that the Moore Bros. and sisiters had had an opportunity of eating together. The Bros. and sisters were invited to seats at the first table. This was agreeable to all except one Jim Morris, who vowed his intention of leaving if they didn’t give him something to eat. A place was immediately prepared out in the back hall way, which caused some of the neighbors to think there was a colored brother among the Moore’s but such was not the case. There was not room for Jim at the other table. Plenty of nice things to eat were at hand, and seemed to hold out well until Bob Morris and Ernest Trible came in and while there was no fear of shortness, yet some wondered if the boys were going to kill themselves. They made the record, I’m told, of not letting anything pass, and it wasn’t because nothing was passed to them, for the table was nicely served by Mr. John and Miss Mollie Jackson, Misses Mary and Marinda Tomlinson and Clara and Bernice Morris. The evening was spent in talking, gaming, and horseback riding. Shortly after dinner a number of the young people visited the new college building which is near completion. On entering the door we saw a sign on the blackboard which read thus: “No bombs allowed here.” We retraced our steps speedily. The day was spent very pleasantly by all present, the total number being 36.
—— An eye witness