Also known as Collins-Thompson Cemetery and Yarborough Cemetery.
Latitude: 30.71183 Longitude: -97.76311
NOTE: The cemetery is located on private land owned by Lynn Stout. Please contact him at 512 784 9082 before visiting.
Old Collins Cemetery Obituaries
COLLINS, David Elison 11/01/1887 02/15/1905 Son of J.E. & M.C. Collins (Printer Friendly) COLLINS, Helen Lee 03/28/1901 10/13/1905 (Printer Friendly) COLLINS, Johnson 02/21/1837 03/11/1899 THOMPSON, Elijah 1831 Unknown THOMPSON, Jemima 1832 09/10/1892 Sacred to the memory of our mother, Mrs. Jemima Thompson. Aged 60 Years. A loved one has gone from our circle. On Earth we shall meet her no more. She has gone to her home in Heaven; And all her afflictions are o'er.