Salyer Cemetery

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Archives by: Donna & Bob Fox


INFANT: 1/8/1907 – 3/5/1907 – S/O AR FUER & MARY BIRD
SALYER, Cam: 7-29-1869 – 8-2-1894
WILSON, Sarah: 2-24-1885 – 8/4/1909 – D/O JE & SUSIE SALYER
AURAND, Charlie: 3-9-1898 – 3-9-1898 – S/O WC & DOCIA AURAND
SALYER, J. Elliot: 10-17-1852 – 8/19/1932
SALYER, Susie: 5-10-1852 – 11/18/1927
OGLESBY, Dovie: 11-8-1890 – 6/16/1945
GOODSON, Nan E.: 4-28-1864 – 3/27/1900 – W/O H GOODSON

This cemetery is located off of Hwy 971 and CR 158. You cannot see it from the highway intersection, but if you pull down CR 158 4/10 of a mile to the large curve to the right and you pull over to your left, you can look up a hill and see a large grove of trees. Park and walk straight up the hill. This is also several acres of corn field. This cemetery is enclosed by a chain link fence, but several of the trees inside this ecnloser are down on top of the graves. It is in very poor condition.