1905 Sou’wester of Southwestern University

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Contributed by Submitted by: Don Brownlee (don.brownlee@csun.edu)


The 1905 Sou’wester of Southwestern University (Georgetown, Texas)

Below are listed the faculty and students at Southwestern University in 1905. The information is provided in order of last name, first name, class or position, hometown and page number. Hometowns are not given for faculty or students in the medical school. For information on club or sports team memberships, for area of teaching expertise, or for other information, you may contact don.brownlee@csun.edu.

sr = senior; jr = junior; so = sophomore; fr = freshman; med = medical student; fac = faculty

Abney, J. D., fr, Georgetown, 52
Aldredge, G. N., fac, 6
Aldredge, G. N. Jr., sr, Dallas, 29
Aldredge, H. R., so, Dallas, 46
Alexander, William Franklin, med, 185
Alford, Josie Beall, fr, Henderson, 52
Allen, John Robert, fac, 18
Archer, T. W., fr, McKinney, 52
Armstrong, E. M., sr, Kerens, 29
Armstrong, Lee, fr, Georgetown, 52
Bailey, Birdie, jr, Bartlett, 42
Bailey, H. F., jr, Toyah, 42
Baker, R. A., fac, 179
Balthrop, Lucile, fr, Greenville, 52
Barcus, Allie, fr, Corsicana, 52
Barkley, Fred, fr, Hutto, 52
Barkley, T. S., jr, Ennis, 42
Beauchamp, Jethro M., med, 185
Beck, J. W., fr, Caddo Mills, 52
Black, S. M., sr, Krum, 30
Black, Woodie, sr, Georgetown, 29
Blackburn, W. L., so, Junction, 46
Bolton, W. D., fr, Brownwood, 52
Bourland, J. W., fac, 179
Boutwell, S. S., fr, Leonard, 52
Bowen, Merle, fac, 24
Boyer, Florence N., fac, 23
Branson, Lolla, fr, Marlin, 52
Breco, Joseph Gideon, med, 185
Brewer, T. C., fr, Georgetown, 52
Brown, J. E., fr, Lavon, 52
Bryan, G. J., fr, Fort Worth, 52
Burcham, Frank E., fac, 21
Buttrill, W. J. B., jr, Mansfield, 42
Caldwell, C. C., fr, Clarendon, 52
Calhoun, James S., med, 188
Campbell, E. T., sr, Waelder, 31
Campbelle, Lucille, so, Giddings, 46
Canter, C. L., fr, Olustee OK, 52
Carloss, Thomas Cook, med, 185
Carrell, W. B., sr, Cedar Hill, 30
Carroll, Charles Geiger, fac, 19
Cartwright, Jerome, fr, Waco, 52
Cavaness, F. D., so, Mineral Wells, 46
Chapman, L. F., jr, Georgetown, 42
Church, Mary, jr, Farmersville, 42
Clark, W. E., fr, Solomanville AZ, 52
Soble, J. M., fac, 180
Cody, C. C., sr, Georgetown, 31
Cody, Claude Carr, fac, 6 18
Collier, Louise, fr, Colmesneil, 52
Cooper, O. T., sr, Arlington, 32
Craig, William M., so, Georgetown, 46
Crain, B. W., fr, Longview, 52
Craven, W. A., so, Overton, 46
Crawford, J. E., fac, 6
Crawford, J. E., sr, Waxahachie, 32
Crites, Lucile, sr, Dallas, 30
Crockett, Maggie, so, Georgetown, 46
Davis, Frederick A., med, 188
Duff, C. T., fr, Beaumont, 52
Edwards, Hale, so, Waco, 46
Evans, A. N., jr, Blooming Grove, 42
Fairman, Kate, fr, Goldthwaite, 52
Ferguson, G. R., sr, Leesville LA, 33
Ferguson, R. Chappell, med, 188
Ferguson, W. K., jr, Leesville LA, 42
Fleming, Morris, so, Mount Vernon, 46
Fogleman, B. F., fr, Kemp, 52
Garmand, J. R., fr, Lytle, 52
Garwin, Flora, fr, McGregor, 52
Gibson, Louise, so, Calvert, 46
Giles, Ben, jr, Waco, 42
Golaz, E. H., fac, 180
Gough, Edgar Ferdinand, med, 185
Graves, Ireland, sr, Seguin, 33 143
Graves, P. F., sr, Georgetown, 34
Greer, A., med, 188
Griggs, G. R., med, 188
Gustafson, E. N., fr, Manor, 52
Hall, Zenna, so, Georgetown, 46 52
Hamff, C. F., jr, Paige, 42
Hannah, C. R., fac, 180
Hardy, Bessie, so, Texarkana, 46
Hardy, James C., fac, 20
Harless, Zena, fr, Bonham, 52
Harrall, W., fac, 180
Harris, E. D., fr, Fulshear, 52
Hartsfield, G., sr, Lockhart, 34
Henry, H. B., fr, Weimar, 52
Hills, Ben O., jr, Hills Prairie, 42
Hollis, John Porter, fac, 20
Hoss, Sessler, med, 185
Hotchkiss, Lolla, fr, Beaumont, 52
Hotchkiss, Nora, jr, Temple, 42
Hotchkiss, W. Y., fr, Temple, 52
Howell, Elizabeth, fac, 25
Howren, Mamie, fac, 22
Hubert, R. R., fr, Georgetown, 52
Hyer, R. S., fac, 16
Ilfrey, W. L., fr, Cedar Bayou, 52
Jackson, Eugene, med, 188
John, A. M., fr, Beaumont, 52
Johnson, D. C., fac, 6
Johnson, D. C., sr, San Marcos, 35
Johnson, T. C., so, San Marcos, 46
Johnston, Anne, fr, Dallas, 52
Jones, J. M., sr, Valley View, 35
Jones, R. D., sr, Valley View, 35
Key, I. F., fr, San Jacinto, 52
King, Alwyn, so, Austin, 46
Kinsell, B., fac, 179
Kurth, E. L., sr, Keltys, 36
Lancaster, L. W., fr, Ganado, 52
Lane, W. H. Jr., fr, Marshall, 52
Lang, E. H., sr, Castell, 36
Langston, Roy A., so, Sidney, 46
Larmer, Cassie Rose, fac, 23
Lawrence, Mabel, med, 186
Lawrence, Ruby, sr, Bonham, 31
Leake, H. K., fac, 179
Lehmberg, C. F. W., so, Castell, 46
Lett, Lewis Manidew, med, 185
Lewis, F. E., fr, Midlothian, 52
Lilly, L. C., fr, Nacogdoches, 52
Linstrum, O. E., fr, Georgetown, 52
Macune, D., fr, Sipe Springs, 52
Mann, Mary, fr, Georgetown, 52
Marshall, R. B., fr, Whitesboro, 52
Masterson, A. S., fr, Georgetown, 52
Mathews, R. L., fr, Bowie, 52
Matlock, Sterling, fr, Georgetown, 52
McHenry, J. F., fr, Lampasas, 52
McKennon, Maggie, fac, 24
McKenzie, Margaret C., fac, 25
McLean, John H., fac, 5
McNeil, H. L., so, Houston, 46
McReynolds, John O., fac, 179
Messer, W. H., fr, Bartlett, 52
Metcalfe, H. O., fr, Taylor, 52
Mitchell, H. E., fr, Italy, 52
Moore, L. L., so, Cockett, 46
Moore, Stephen H., fac, 22
Morat, A. J., med, 188
Mosely, T. J., fr, Beaumont, 52
Munden, Edd, fr, Midlothian, 52
Neal, D. D., fr, Lytle, 52
Nelms, Myrtice, fr, Georgetown, 52
Nelms, William L., fac, 22
Nettles, George P., fr, Marlin, 52
Newberry, L. B., jr, Alice, 42
Nickles, William, so, Mt. Calm, 46
Oldfield, Clara Annabel, fac, 23
Oliver, T. C., fr, Groesbeck, 52
Pace, J. M., fac, 179
Pegues, Albert Shipp, fac, 21
Phelps, Nettie, fr, Georgetown, 52
Price, Early, fr, Georgetown, 52
Ramos, Vincente, fr, Chihuahua MEX, 52
Rhodes, J. N., med, 188
Rhodes, Robert Lee, med, 185
Rice, evelyn, fr, Marlin, 52
Rollins, H. E., fr, Aspermont, 52
Ronson, E. A., fac, 179
Root, Flora, fr, Georgetown, 52
Rushing, H., med, 188
Rylander, C. W., fr, Buda, 52
Ryman, J. N., fac, 6
Ryman, J. N., jr, Matagorda, 42
Saye, W. L., med, 188
Seabury, Bertha, fac, 24
Seay, Dero, fac, 180
Seay, H. L., fac, 180
Secrest, Lena, fr, Georgetown, 52
Shands, Hubert Anthony, fac, 19
Shelmire, J. B., fac, 179
Sims, Truman H., so, Prosper, 46
Smith, Aleen, fr, Georgetown, 52
Smith, Albert Alexander, med, 185
Smith, Elize, so, Georgetown, 46
Smith, Irma, fr, Denton, 52
Smith, Landon F., fac, 21
Smith, Murph Bridges, med, 185
Smith, Norma, fr, Denton, 52
Smoot, J. B., fac, 179
Sneed, Ocey, fr, Rosebud, 52
Snyder, Ned, jr, Brownwood, 42
Sossaman, R. L., fr, San Augustine, 52
Spears, Edna, fac, 25
Standifer, C. H., fr, Greenville, 52
Stanford, E. R., so, Waco, 46
Stanford, H., sr, Lorena, 36
Stanford, W. J., so, Lorena, 46
Staples, J. C., so, Ruston LA, 46
Starnes, Rhea, so, Georgetown, 46
Stephenson, J. H., med, 188
Stephenson, W. O., fac, 180
Stratton, J. W., med, 188
Stromberg, Eric W., fr, Georgetown, 52
Switzer, W. Y., so, Comanche, 46
Tabb, L. M., med, 188
Tarver, W. A., so, Corsicana, 46
Taylor, Mable, fr, Georgetown, 52
Taylor, Stephen Overton, med, 185
Terrell, Scurry L., fac, 180
Terry, Robert Leroy, med, 185
Thomas, Mary, sr, Terrell, 33
Thruston, S. B., fac, 180
Tibbs, A. M., fr, Valley Mills, 52
Tinsley, Randolph Ward, fac, 19
Traylor, J. H., fr, Olivia, 52
Tucker, J. L., so, Waco, 46
Turner, Zilpha, sr, Georgetown, 34
Vaden, Wesley Carroll, fac, 19
Vaughn, Lulan, so, Stamford, 46
Veatch, O. E., sr, Joshua, 37
Vincent, H. L., sr, Georgetown, 37
Vincent, J. N., sr, Georgetown, 37
Wade, Lisby L., so, Decatur, 46
Walker, W. T., fr, Kanawha, 52
Ward, C. L., fr, Regan, 52
Weathered, W. Marcus, fr, Coleman, 52
Weinfield, Louis M., med, 185
Wharton, Jole W., med, 185
Wheeler, J. B., fr, Aransas Pass, 52
Wheeless, H. H., fr, Aldon Bridge LA, 52
Whittle, G. D., sr, Georgetown, 38
Williams, O. L., fac, 179
Wilson, Charles, fr, Cleburne, 52
Wilson, Winfred, fac, 180
Wofford, B. W. Johnston, so, Athens, 46
Worsham, J. L., fr, Cumby, 52
Yarborough, G., so, Navasota, 46
Yarborough, H., fr, Navasota, 52
Young, C. C., jr, Georgetown, 42
Young, J. B., fr, Georgetown, 52
Young, Ryland Fletcher, fac, 18