1893 History of Central Texas Counties

The Church of Latter-Day Saints has scanned and posted an 1892 publication of Milam, Williamson, Bastrop, Travis, Lee and Burleson counties.  This includes some biographical sketches and was published by The Lewis Publishing Company.

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1892 History of Central Texas Counties

The Church of Latter-Day Saints has scanned and posted an 1892 publication of Milam, Williamson, Bastrop, Travis, Lee and Burleson counties.  This includes some biographical sketches and was published by The Lewis Publishing Company.

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Tragedy Tree

Copied from Bandera County, TX

From Carol McIntyre

*All died July 25,1863 and their grave is enclosed by a metal fence and a single tombstone reading their names and the day of death. The location is two miles south of Bandera.

The following is an article published in August, 1924 on pages 8 through 11.

During the days of the Civil War, Bandera County was the scene of several tragedies, the most prominent of which was the execution of eight men one night in the summer of 1863, on Julian Creek, four miles east of this town. There are no living witnesses to this tragedy — at least, if they are living they have kept silent for many, many years. But living in Bandera County today are two or three men who remember the circumstances, and who assisted in giving the victims decent burial, and it is from these men that I get the information from which to weave the story of a crime for which the perpetrators were never brought to the bar of justice.

When Texas seceded from the Union, old Camp Verde, 12 miles north of Bandera, was occupied by the Confederate forces. First a frontier battalion was organized for protection against the Indians, and this was directed from Camp Verde. Later, Confederate soldiers were stationed at this well known post, where Gen. Lee, Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston and other notables had at previous times been in command. While Lawhon’s company was stationed at Camp Verde in 1863, it became known that a small party of supposed “bushwhackers” were passing through the country en route to Mexico to avoid conscription. There were eight men and one boy in the party, and it became known that they were from Florence, Williamson County. Why they were termed “bush-whackers” has never been explained, but it is presumed that they had taken part in certain bushwhacking operations and had been forced to leave that section. But be that as it may, the word was carried to Camp Verde and a troop of 25 men under command of Maj. W. J. Alexander immediately started in pursuit.

In the pursuing party were a number of men who were well known to the early settlers of Bandera County, but after the close of the war they all disappeared, some making haste to get out of the country. The small band of nine men passed through Bandera several days before the soldiers took up their pursuit. They were well mounted, well armed and well provisioned and made no secret of their destination, saying that they were leaving the country because they did not care to become involved in the strife between the States, and when it was over they expected to return and take up their residence in Williamson County again, where some of them had families and homes. They seemed quiet and peaceable and paid for everything they secured in Bandera, and went on their way.

Several days afterward Maj. Alexander and his men came through Bandera, on trail of the men, and went from here to Hondo. Picking up the trail there, they followed it to Squirrel Creek, some 10 miles beyond Hondo, where they discovered the men they were seeking in camp. They had finished their noonday meal, and were quietly resting, some lounging around and talking, others attending to the stock, not suspecting that they were being pursued and at that very moment in danger of being captured. Approaching under cover within a very short distance of where the men were camped, Maj. Alexander stepped out into an opening and, swinging his saber over his head, called upon them to surrender, telling them he had them surrounded and there was no chance for escape, and if they would quietly submit he would pledge his word that they should have a fair trial by court-martial at Camp Verde.

The little party of nine promptly yielded up their arms, and were then forced to saddle their horses and immediately start back toward Camp Verde. All went evenly enough until the second night on the return trip, when, while in camp on the Julian some of Alexander’s men wanted to hang the prisoners.

Some of the party refused to have any thing to do with the execution, but some were determined to put the prisoners out of the way, and accordingly marched them out some distance from camp and hung them one by one. A hair rope was used in hanging these men, and each one died by strangulation, being drawn up until choked to death. When life was extinct the victim was let down, and the rope cut, leaving the noose still about his neck. Bill Sawyer, one of the victims begged to be shot, saying he preferred that manner of death to being hung. His wish was granted, and some one in the party fired a rifle at him which only produced a flesh wound on his arm. Sawyer fell, but when it was found that he had not been fatally shot, another man placed the muzzle of his gun against the fallen man and shot him through the body with a full charge, leaving the ramrod in the gun, which went through him and into the ground. He was thus found the next day. The boy in the party, a lad about 16 years old, is supposed to have escaped, but he, too, may have been murdered, as he was never heard of again.

After completing their work, the men who had participated in this crime (those who refused to have a hand in it having passed on) came to Bandera the next morning and proceeded on to Camp Verde without delay, some of the party hinting to citizens that they had rid the country of some more bushwhackers. Alexander’s men had their victims’ horses, saddles, bedding, clothing and shoes.

Joseph H. Poor, who lived on the West Verde, was camped near the place of execution, and the next morning he went out to look for his horses and came upon the bodies just as Alexander’s men left them. He hastened to Bandera and notified the authorities and Justice of the Peace O. B. Miles, Robert Ballentyne, George Hay, Amasa Clark, John Pyka and a number of others went down there to investigate. They found seven of the men had been hanged until dead, and the eighth had been shot through with a ramrod, as stated. George Hay says he pulled the ramrod out of the body. An inquest was held, and the verdict rendered as follows: “We the jury, find that these men (giving their names) were killed by Maj. W. J. Alexander’s company.” A grave was opened and the bodies of the eight unfortunate men were rolled into it and covered up. Many years later a tombstone was erected over the grave, and on this tombstone appears the names of the men who were murdered while prisoners, who had been given a sacred pledge that they would be given just treatment if they surrendered.

How do we know these things? There were men in Maj. Alexander’s party who refused to countenance the execution of helpless prisoners, and months afterward they talked freely of the occurrence, telling all particulars, and even giving the names of the men who participated. This tragedy occurred in 1863, but retribution usually follows such crimes, and after the war ended and while E. J. Davis was Governor of Texas, district judges all over the State were instructed to charge their respective grand juries to investigate such matters. G. H. Noonan, a good man and true, was judge of this district at that time, and he directed the grand jury of this county to thoroughly investigate the hanging of these men, with the result that as soon as it became known that the strong arm of the law was reaching out, there was a hasty departure by some for a more congenial climate. This was in 1866.

The grand jury indicted W. J. Alexander et al for murder and highway robbery, and for want of service the case was continued on the docket from term to term, so the records show. Maj.Alexander had disappeared. Not one of the men charged in the indictment was ever arrested. One of them, it is said, was killed at New Braunfels by offers while resisting arrest. More than half a century has passed since that stain was placed on Bandera County’s history, and all who took part in it are supposed to be dead. But it is said that the men who urged the execution of those prisoners and carried it out were not citizens of the county. The court records may reveal their names, if search is made for they were indicted by the grand jury in 1866. The names of their victims are: C. J. Sawyer, W. M. Sawyer, George Thayer, William Shumake, Jack Whitmire, Jake Kyle,John Smart and a Mr. Vanwinkle.

George Hay, who is now in his 88th year, and still quite active, in discussing this crime, said: “I have seen many foul crimes in my time, but this was the most revolting that I ever knew. A party of us went out from Bandera as soon as we learned of the occurrence and found the bodies of those unfortunate men lying just as they had been cut down, pieces of the horsehair rope around each man’s neck. They had all been strangled to death by the rope being placed over a limb and drawn up, possibly by somebody on horseback. One man, Bill Sawyer, was laying face down, shot through with a wooden ramrod, which had passed entirely through his body and penetrated into the ground for at least 10 or 12 inches. It was with great difficulty that I drew out this ramrod. Alexander’s party passed through Bandera about 8 o’clock one Sunday morning, and in just a little while Joseph Poor came with the news that he had found some murdered men down on the Julian. We buried them as best we could, and in giving our verdict at the inquest we definitely placed the blame on Alexander’s men, some of whom I knew, but they are all dead now.”

Amasa Clark one of the first settlers here, and who is now in his 96th year, active and full of life,clearly remembers the time when this tragedy was enacted, and when questioned about it a few days ago was very emphatic in his denunciation of the perpetrators. His statement follows: “Oh, yes, I remember the hanging of the Sawyers and those other men. It was an outrage. They were murdered — yes murdered in cold blood. Deliberately murdered without being given a chance for their lives. I knew all of the circumstances, and when Mr. Poor brought word to Bandera that he had found their bodies Mr. Daniel Rugh asked me to go with him down there. When we arrived there a grewsome sight met our gaze. Some had been partly stripped. I heard afterward that some of the men who took part in the hanging had worn the clothes of their victims while passing through Bandera. There was a report that some of them gambled for the clothing the night of the murder, but I cannot vouch for this statement. This crime created a great deal of indignation here, but the citizens were powerless to do anything. The murdered men were strangers, peaceably passing through the country. They had committed no crime that I know of and should not have been molested. After the war diligent efforts were made to apprehend the guilty ones and bring them to justice, but without success. I knew several of them, but as soon as they were mustered out of the Confederate service, and before the civil courts were in good running order, they left the country. An attempt was made by New Braunfels officers to arrest one of these men on warrant from Bandera County, but he resisted arrest and was killed. Now, I do not charge this crime to Confederate soldiers. I do not believe a true Confederate would be guilty of such a heinous offense as deliberately putting to death an enemy without giving him every chance the law gives a man. I have lived in the South ever since I returned from my service in the Mexican War, in 1848, and I loved the South and the cause she fought for. I know the rules of warfare and how prisoners should be treated. Sawyer and his men were not treated as prisoners of war. They were hung without a trial, and it seems to me that robbery was the sole motive that prompted their execution. This all happened years ago, but it made such a lasting impression that I will never forget it, and have many times wished to see the guilty ones brought before the courts and made to pay the penalty for their crime.”

John Pyka, another highly respected citizen of Bandera, gave his version of this sad affair as follows: “At that time I was just a lad, large enough, however, to think I was about grown, and I distinctly remember when Mr. Joseph Poor came and notified us that he had seen the body of a man on the Julian with arrows sticking in him and he thought Indians were in the country. Mr. Poor lived on the West Verde, but was camped near the scene of the crime, and was out looking for his horses that had strayed off from camp when he came upon the bodies. He did not take time to investigate, but came right on to Bandera and notified the authorities. I went out with the crowd to the place, and we found seven of the men had been hung and one had been shot through with a ramrod. It was an awful spectacle. No, I do not think these men had been stripped of their clothing, because I remember seeing that the cattle had chewed the sleeve of the coat on one of the dead men, and if I remember rightly they were all in full attire. Their pockets were empty, showing that they had been robbed. A 16-year old boy that was captured with the men was spared for the time being, I understand, and was taken up about Fredericksburg, but as he was never heard of again, it is supposed that he, too was killed. I knew some of the men who had a hand in the hanging, but they left the country when investigation started. I think all of the participants are dead now, for it has been a long time ago since all this happened.”

“We dug a shallow grave, laid the dead men into it, spread blankets over them, and covered them up the best we could with dirt and stones to keep the wolves from getting to the bodies. I do not know of any person now living who was present at the time except myself, George Hay and Amasa Clark. There may be others, but I do not remember.”

The spreading oak to which these men were hung is still standing, a grim sentinel on a hillside, gnarled and knotted with age, a silent witness on the scene. Nearby, in a beautiful glade, is the shallow grave which contains the bones of the strangers who were the victims of a hellish plot. Over the grave stands a tombstone, placed there by citizens of the country who were familiar with the details of the murders. On this tombstone is inscribed the following: “C. J. Sawyer, W. M. Sawyer, George Thayre, William Shumake, Jack Whitmire, Jake Kyle, John Smart, Mr. Van Winkle, Died July 25, 1863. Remember, friends, as you pass by; as you are now, so once was I,As I am now, you soon will be; prepare for death and follow me.” Mutely this monument stands as the years roll by, in an out-of-the-way place, on land belonging to Frank Pyka. In its seclusion the grave is never disturbed, while in the springtime wild flowers grow and bloom over the mound, songbirds make melody in the nearby trees and the soft breezes that blow through the branches chant a requiem to the departed souls.

A Cowboy’s Unusual Dental Work

Bulldogger Bill Pickett earned his living as a performer by taking down steers by chomping on their upper lips

By Lori Grossman (Texas Co-op Power Magazine)

Private Collection | Peter Newark Western Americana | The Bridgeman Art LibraryThe 101 Ranch, near Guthrie, Oklahoma, was a beehive of activity on June 11, 1905. Thousands of excited rodeo fans arrived on foot, in wagons or in smart buggies. Storm clouds threatening the afternoon’s performance didn’t dampen their enthusiasm. They came to see Bill Pickett—“the Dusky Demon from Texas”—the cowboy who could down a steer using only his hands and teeth.

Pickett got this idea when, as an 11-year-old, he saw a cattle dog hold a cow motionless by biting down on its upper lip—a maneuver called bulldogging. Strangely enough, Pickett wanted to try it, so he approached a calf, grabbed its ears, chomped on its upper lip, let go of its ears and fell backward. Subdued by the pain, the dogie flopped over.

Richard Zelade’s book Central Texas (Taylor Trade Publishing, 2011) recounts Pickett’s first public bulldogging exhibition in Austin. Pickett, watching some Littlefield Cattle Company cowboys struggling with feisty calves, offered his newfound bite-’em technique. The cowboys stopped laughing when Pickett bit down on a calf’s upper lip, immobilizing it while they applied the searing branding iron. The amazed cowboys spread the news across Austin.

It was a watershed moment for a son of former slaves. Willie M. “Bill” Pickett is believed to have been born on December 5, 1870, in Jenks-Branch Community in Williamson County—one of 13 children. He quit school at 15 and became a working cowboy on area ranches. In 1900, Pickett started entertaining at rodeos across the West.

Bulldogging was dangerous, but Pickett loved the applause. He hit the big time in 1903 when glib-tongued promoter Dave McClure billed him as “Bulldog Pickett: the Dusky Demon—the Most Daring Cowboy Alive!” The term “dusky” was intended to disguise Pickett’s ethnicity whenever white cowboys shied from appearing on the same program as an African-American man. The spectators, however, didn’t seem to mind.

In 1905, Pickett took another step on his path to fame when he met Zack Miller, who, with his brothers, owned the 101 Ranch. Miller hired him to appear in his June show. The extravaganza, described in Cecil Johnson’s book Guts: Legendary Black Rodeo Cowboy Bill Pickett (Summit Publishing Group, 1994), also featured Geronimo shooting a buffalo from the back of a moving car and a frighteningly realistic attack on a wagon train. An estimated 60,000 spectators gave Pickett’s bulldogging a roaring ovation. He was such a sensation that he signed on with the 101 Ranch Wild West Show in 1907.

After performing in Brownsville in 1908, the Millers took the show to Mexico City. Joe Miller started a war of words in the newspapers with some Mexican bullfighters who bragged that they could do whatever Pickett could. Joe Miller challenged them and questioned their bravery—partly to get publicity for the show. This insult to the national sport outraged the locals. Either Miller or the bullfighters (sources differ) bet 5,000 pesos over whether Pickett could stay in contact with a bull for five minutes.

And so in December 1908, Pickett entered the El Toro arena mounted on his beloved horse, Spradley. The bull, Frijoli Chiquita, turned so quickly that the horse couldn’t get close enough unless Pickett could keep him from sidestepping. Spradley could not evade one of the bull’s charges and was gored. Pickett dismounted and grabbed the bull’s horns. He hung on more than five minutes, although the bull repeatedly slammed him against the wall and the crowd began pelting him with all sorts of objects—knives, fruit, rocks. An angry spectator threw a full beer bottle, hitting Pickett in the ribs and causing him to finally lose his grip.

After another cowboy lured Frijoli Chiquita away, Pickett hurried to his badly injured horse. An elderly Mexican offered a strange cure: two red bananas. He peeled them and thrust them into the horse’s gaping wounds. Surprisingly, Spradley healed quickly.

After World War I, the glory days of Wild West shows had passed. In 1931, the 101 show closed. Pickett died on April 2, 1932, after a horse kicked him in the head. The inventor of bulldogging was voted into the Rodeo Hall of Fame and, in 1989, was enshrined in the Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame.

Rodeos today feature an event called steer wrestling. A cowboy chases down a steer, jumps off his horse then wrestles the steer to the ground by twisting its horns.

Some call that bulldogging. But it’s not the way the Dusky Demon used to do it. He would probably say that calling it bulldogging is just lip service.

Surrounded: The Dead Files

On June 8, 2012, The Dead Files episode “Surrounded” on Travel Channel featured a ghost investigation on some land in Cedar Park, Texas. Regardless of your opinion on ghosts, this episode features some good history about the area including Native Maericans and KKK activites. The show also has great shots of the local flora and fauna giving a nice view of the countryside.

>> View Clips from the Show

Postmasters & Post Offices (1849 – 1930)

Allison, Calvin G., 30 Nov 1892
Williamson, Chas. S., 26 Aug 1893
Discontinued 26 Oct 1894; papers to Granger

Newton, Wm. I., 28 Nov 1899
Atwood, Evans, 26 Jan 1901
Rutledge, John M., 24 May 1904
Discontinued 21 July 1905; mail to Liberty Hill
[Apparently re-established]
Davidson, Willie D., 16 Dec 1924
Davidson, Mrs. Maude, 9 May 1928

Huddleston, Thos., 8 May 1855
Heinatz, John F., 27 Sep 1858
Heinatz, John F., 13 Aug 1861 (CSA)
Heinatz, Mrs. Emilie, 8 Oct 1866
Mason, John D., 21 Jan 1867
Heinatz, John F., 19 Jun 1876
Cg’d to LEANDER, 6 Oct 1882

BARTLETT (Williamson, Bell)
McKnight, Thos., 5 Oct 1882
Talley, Jas. Jeptha, 17 Aug 1887
Johnston, John C., 9 Jan 1889
Reeves, Thos. W., 28 Jan 1890
Fowler, Charley L., 12 Feb 1891
(Order rescinded 20 Apr 1891)
Reeves, Thos. W., 28 Jan 1890
Rountree, Lucas, 12 May 1893
Armstrong, Ed. G., 31 Mar 1898 (Resigned, ca. Jun 1902)
Bell, Jeff’n. D., 4 Oct 1905
To Bell County

Slaughter, Sam’l. M., 19 Feb 1880
Cunningham, Dan? M., 27 Mar 188__?
Lemaster, Thos. C., 10 Oct 1883
Abbott, Silas A., 18 Dec 1884
Eubank, Virgil F., 28 Nov 1890
Arnold, Jesse S., 20 Jan 1891? (C)
Guenntzel, Edmund H., 28 Apr 1894
Abbott, Silas A., 14 July 1896}
Ryan, Chas. K., 26 Nov 1919
Jordan, Chas. G., 5 Dec 1931 (Acting postmaster)

Kalmbach, Gottlieb, 9 Mar 1901
Discontinued 30 Apr 1906; mail to Cornhill

Jackson, Andrew, 30 Oct 1876
Stapp, Benj. W., 17 July 1879
Jackson, A., 13 Nov 1879
Discontinued 1 Dec 1879

Beyer, Gustav., 15 Apr 1893
Rummel, Wilhelm, 18 May 1898
Stumhofer, Robt., 16 Feb 1906
Discontinued 31 Jan 1909; mail to Taylor

Rice, Jas. O., 12 Nov 1849
Discontinued 10 Apr 1857

Crumley, Sanford I., 5 Jun 1882
Discontinued 27 Aug 1883; mail to Leander
(Re-established) Isaacks, Wesley C., 1 Apr 1884
Cg’d to CEDAR PARK, 25 Aug 1887

Oatts, Thos. C., 27 May 1851
Cg’d to ROUND ROCK, 24 Aug 1854

Dodd, Lillie L., 20 Jan 1880
Crumley, B. T., 3 Oct 1881
Clark, Frank S., 7 Nov 1881
Discontinued 20 Jan 1882
(Re-established) Oliver, Jos. B. J., 21 Dec 1883
Discontinued 2 July 1884; mail to Duval
[Apparently re-established]
Oliver, Jos. B. J., 8 Aug 1888
Discontinued 12 Jan 1894; papers to Cedar Park

Isaacks, Wesley C., 25 Aug 1887
Discontinued 26 Apr 1888; papers to Leander
(Re-established) McKeown, Wm. B., 4 Feb 1889
Discontinued 19 Jun 1889; papers to Leander
[Apparently re-established]
Cluck, Emmett, 5 Apr 1892
Cluck, Mrs. Ara V., 5 Nov 1929

Eubank, Jas., 13 Mar 1857
Eubank, Jas., 12 July 1861 (CSA)
Discontinued 6 Jan 1862 (CSA)
(Re-established) Eubank, J. B., 31 Jan 1862 (CSA)
Brown, Ed. J., 13 Jun 1867
Brown, Seneca D., 2 May 1870
McFaden, I. A., 16 July 1873
Simons, Jas. A., 9 Feb 1874
Wayman, Jas. W., 15 Nov 1876
Butts, Jos. E., 24 Oct 1884
Stearns, Ed. V., 29 Feb 1888
Stearns, Harvey T., 11 Mar 1891
Shields, Wm. T., 16 Apr 1894
Gilliam, Hiram R., 14 Mar 1898
Rowlett, John V., 28 Jun 1904
Nowlin, Dan’l. D., 2 Jan 1906
Teburg, John P., 10 Jan 1910
Meeks, John J., 23 Feb 1911
Discontinued 14 Sep 1918; mail to Taylor

Allison, Jas. F., 10 Dec 1878
Discontinued 5 Jan 1880

King, John E., 9 July 1855
King, John E,. 15 Apr 1863 (CSA)
Discontinued 5 Nov 1866
(Re-established) Wood, Hiram, 28 Jan 1867
Discontinued 28 May 1868
(Re-established) Lea, Tilman H., 7 Aug 1871
Pearce, Andrew L., 8 Jun 1875
Lea, Tilman H., 9 Jun 1876
Donnell, Wm. J., 27 Dec 1876
Grayson, Wm. K., 23 Oct 1877
Felthouse, Otto, 9 Oct 1878
Hair, Montgomery L., 5 May 1879
Hair, Mrs. Roberta, 24 May 1882
Hair, Montgomery L., 15 Aug 1882
Weatherford, Geo. W., 18 May 1886
Shaver, Wm. N., 20 Feb 1891
Jackson, Columbus J., 2 Feb 1892
Jackson, Johnnie, 16 Nov 1892
Cg’d to CORNHILL, 28 Apr 1894

Dunn, Thos. N., 28 Apr 1894
Brown, Rufus C., 13 Mar 1902
Foster, Wm. D., 12 Sep 1903
Smith, Jas. W., 7 Jan 1904
Thomas, Thos. B., 21 Mar 1906
Cg’d to JARRELL, 8 Mar 1912

Goetz, John, 28 Dec 1889 (C)
Goetz, Wm., 3 Feb 1906
Broach, Duncan M., 16 Apr 1907
Goetz Jr., John, 13 Mar 1909
Copeland, Harvey L., 12 Oct 1911
Copeland, Alice L., 1 Oct 1926
Weber, Walter K., 7 Feb 1927
Spiegelhauer, Oscar P., 29 May 1928

Lawrence, Edmond, 1 Nov 1858
Lawrence, Edward, 13 Mar 1862 (CSA)
Discontinued 23 Jan 1867

Perry, Olia O., 11 Apr 1890 (C)
Discontinued 25 Aug 1892; mail to Liberty Hill

Atkinson, John W., 25 Nov 1857
Smith, J. C., 2 Oct 1858
Atkinson, John W., 9 Sep 1859
Atkinson, John W., 17 Jan 1862 (CSA)
Adams, P. H., 19 Sep 1864 (CSA)
Brown, Smith, 7 May 1866
Adams, Miss Nancy, 30 Mar 1868
Benedict, Ozias, 7 May 1868
Adams, Philip H., 20 May 1870
Surginer, Wesley, 11 Oct 1871
Moore, Jas. P., 6 May 1872
Caskey, Robt. B., 26 Mar1873
Jackson, Stephen K. P., 6 Dec 1882
McClain, Sam’l. B., 27 Nov 1885
Surginer, Madaline, 29 Apr 1890
Surginer, Mattie A., 28 Apr 1894
Perry, Sam’l. F., 23 Jan 1895
Preslar, Joel, 25 Jun 1897
Cannon, Bessie, 26 Aug 1901
Atkinson, Jas. F., 6 Apr 1918

Mather, Sam’l., 29 Jun 1858
Crim, Edmund, 18 May 1863 (CSA)
Norton, H. T., 1 Sep 1864 (CSA)
Discontinued 5 Nov 1866
(Re-established) Brizendine, John R., 5 Dec 1870
Discontinued 15 Mar 1905; mail to Liberty Hill

Watson, Jas. C., 3 Nov 1891
Watson, Chas. S., 12 Jan 1894
Wilder, John R., 28 Jun 1895
Watson, David A., 4 Aug 1896
Wilder, Andrew A., 13 Mar 1900
Wilder, John R., 4 Apr 1905
Discontinued 30 Apr 1907; mail to Thorndale

GEORGETOWN (Milam, Wiliamson)
Mackay, Andrew J., 1 Oct 1849
Taylor, Josiah, 9 Aug 1850
Williams, Evan, 30 Jan 1855
Marschall Jr., Andrew, 6 Sep 1856
Talbot, Elias W., 26 Mar 1857 [removed]
Hart, Archie, 6 Aug 1861 (CSA)
Steel, Moses E., 22 Apr 1862 (CSA)
Strickland, Steven, 23 Mar 1863 (CSA)
Page, Jos. M., 23 Sep 1865
Napier, Ed. H., 8 Oct 1866
Harris, Geo. T., 17 Aug 1868
Morrow, A. W., 28 Feb 1871
Napier, John B., 16 Mar 1871
Foster, Wm. K., 9 Sep 1872
Price, Francis L., 30 Jan 1873
Talbot, Ada, 15 Mar 1882
Whittle, Ada T., 12 Jun 1884
Chessher, Dan’l. S., 6 Apr 1886
Chreitzberg, Belle P., 18 Dec 1888
Knight, Jas., 16 Apr 1890
Brooks, Chas. W., 23 Apr 1894
Brooks, John L., 1 Oct 1896
Schaefer, Philemon A., 8 Mar 1899
Fleming, Wm. P., 25 Mar 1902
Roche, F. T., 27 Apr 1914
Henderson, Lavinia B., 20 Sep 1916 (Acting postmaster)
Roche, Josephine W., 1 Nov 1916 (Acting postmaster)
Enochs, Simon J., 25 Jan 1922

Gower, Bennett A., 8 Jun 1893
Discontinued 26 Oct 1896; papers to Hutto

Jones, Colonel M., 15 Apr 1884
Strayhorn, John M., 25 Feb 188__?
Addison, Malcolm H., 7 Nov 1889
Brazelton, John, 26 Dec 1889
Spilman, J. T., 30 Apr 1890
McDaniel, Wilford W., 6 Jun 1890
Erwin, Wm. C., 10 Apr 1893
Reeder, Andrew J., 30 July 1897
Council, J. C., 1 Sep 1909
Thies, Wm. E., 27 Jan 1914
Council, Jos. C., 29 Jan 1923
Duffy, John C., 8 Sep 1928 (Acting postmaster)
Wayman, Cullen E., 31 May 1929

Wyatt, Collin D., 7 Feb 1895
Marrs, Matt. L., 3 Nov 1896
Discontinued 30 Jan 1904; papers to Georgetown

Williams, Marion M., 17 Aug 1887
Discontinued 6 Jan 1888; papers to Taylor

McKinney, Chas. W., 14 Ap 1900
Sears, Noah, 30 Oct 1901
White, Franklin H., 23 Oct 1903
Discontinued 29 Feb 1904; mail to Taylor

HOPEWELL (Burnet, Williamson)
Discontinued 11 Sep 1882; mail to Liberty Hill

Hoxie, Mortimer R., 2 Jan 1900
Discontinued 15 Feb 1905; mail to Taylor

Hutto, J. E., 27 Jun 1877
Blanton, John A., 23 July 1879
Metcalfe, Thos. M., 20 Dec 1883
McCormick, Wm. H., 1 May 1890
McCormick, Victor M., 25 Apr 1891
Flinn, Thos. H., 16 May 1893
Ross, Jos. B., 19 Jun 1897
Davis, J. R., 30 July 1909
Wilson, Lillie, 12 Dec 1911
Holman, Willis D., 15 Jan 1916
Ray, John C., 1 July 1924 (Acting postmaster)

Thomas, Thos. B., 8 Mar 1912
Votaw, Wm. E., 18 Mar 1914

Walker, John E., 31 Mar 1884
Grammar, G. W., 14 Jan 1886?
Davidson, Miss Sallie E., 21 Aug 1886
Bogart, Abe. M., 26 Nov 1890
McDonald, Wm. G., 3 Jun 1895
Discontinued 30 Mar 1907; mail to Weir
(Order rescinded 29 Mar 1907)
McDonald, Wm. G., 3 Jun 1895
Rowlett, John V., 23 Feb 1909
Percy, Wm. H., 27 July 1916

Zahn, Fred’k., 4 May 1895
Discontinued 23 Dec 1897; papers to Jonah

Lane, Walter J., 20 Jan 1891
Hollomon Jr., Jerry C., 21 Jan 1892
McCarty, John T., 10 Apr 1895
Reeder, Geo. W., 7 July 1898
Johnson, Walter L., 24 May 1904
Maddox, Seaborn B., 23 Jan 1907 (Declined)
Jarrell, Jas. M., 13 Mar 1907
Discontinued 30 Apr 1907; mail to San Gabriel

Heinatz, John F., 6 Oct 1882
Heinatz, Chas. F., 12 Feb 1891
Mason, Chas. C., 28 May 1894
Cloud, Geo. A., 9 Apr 1898 (Declined)
Rowland, Arch. J., 29 Nov 1898
Speegle, Oliver H., 3 Jan 1902
Rowland, Arch. J., 16 Feb 1903
Craven, Eunice E., 26 May 1911
Hazlewood, Robt., M., 20 Apr 1922
Craven, Newton L., 1 July 1927 (Acting postmaster)

Leubner, Fred’k. W., 27 Oct 1894
Discontinued 20 Apr 1898; papers to Cornhill

Spencer, Wm. O., 2 Dec 1853
Logan, Geo. W., 10 Nov 1855
Spencer, Wm. O., 5 Nov 1856
Barnes, Geo. W., 15 Sep 1860 [resigned]
Jackson, Squire S., 25 Sep 1861 (CSA)
Jackson, Mrs. L., 7 Mar 1866
Discontinued 14 July 1867
(Re-established) Ellington, Sam’l., 3 Sep 1867
Bratton, Wilson R., 11 Jan 1870
Renick, Robt. N., 27 Aug 1875
Booth, Jas. H., 30 Sep 1879
Ward, Jas. G., 27 Dec 1880
Lane, Jas. K., 30 Sep 1887
Hewitt, G. W., 29 Apr 1890
Pool, J. M., 6 Jun 1890 (Declined)
Lane, Julia, 15 Jan 1891
Hutchison, Jos. B., 30 Jan 1892
Grant, Lulu, 11 Sep 1893
Connell, Jas. W., 4 May 1895
Thorpe, Henry H., 8 Apr 1899
Thorpe, John W., 23 Dec 1902
Russell, Wilson B., 15 Jan 1915
McFarlin, Jino H., 24 July 1924 (Acting postmaster)

Aschen, Ed., 30 Dec 1892
Klimicek, Jos., 17 May 1893
Zahn, Aug. F., 28 Apr 1894
Discontinued 21 May 1894; papers to Jonah

Noack, John E., 12 July 1902
Discontinued 29 Apr 1905; mail to Taylor

Mays, Livingston M., 3 Jun 18___?
Aten, Dora, 14 Oct 1889
Mays, Miss Alice, 7 Oct 1891
Discontinued 16 Dec 1891; papers to Round Rock

Wells, Wm. P., 13 Jan 1885
Newman, H. D., 8 Dec 1885
Discontinued 13 July 1886; papers to Corn Hill

Rutledge, Thos. L., 16 Mar1854
Rhodes, Elisha, 27 May 1857
Discontinued 25 Sep 1857
(Re-established) Strode, Thos. V., 27 Nov 1857
Rutledge, W. P., 13 Mar 1862 (CSA)
Rutledge, Mrs. Ettie C., 10 Apr 1866
Discontinued 29 July 1880

Carothers, Sam’l. D., 17 Aug 1860
Carothers, S. D., 12 July 1861 (CSA)
Discontinued 5 Nov 1866
(Re-established) Faires, Miss M. J., 3 Dec 1866
Discontinued 23 Apr 1867

Kidd, Ibrey? J., 1 Aug 1855
Kidd Jr., Webb, 6 Apr 1859
Porter, Sam’l., 11 Aug 1860
Fort, Windsor, 13 Mar 1862 (CSA)
Kidd, Abery J., 7 Apr 1862 (CSA)
Discontinued 23 Jan 1867
[Apparently re-established]
Gage, Mrs. Mollie W., 7 Aug 1876
Discontinued 30 Sep 1880

Tompkins, Chris., 2 May 1872
Izard, M. W., 11 May 1874
Hargis, Wm. A., 31 Aug 1874
C___field, Madison L., 12 Feb 1877
Hyde, Thos. B., 13 Nov 1879
Hutchison, Jos. B., 17 Sep 1883
Paterson, Jas. L., 6 May 1885
Crozier, Robt. C., 24 Oct 1903
Discontinued 14 Dec 1907; mail to Taylor

Munn, Dan’l. R., 5 Feb 1887
Arnot, John J., 3 Mar 1887
Kerr, Erastus W., 14 Jun 1888
Discontinued 7 Dec 1888; papers to Duval, Travis Co.

Oatts, Thos. C., 24 Aug 1854
Hill, Robt. J., 11 Jun 1860
Davis, Geo. W., 28 Nov 1860
Davis, G. W., 12 July 1861 (CSA)
Davis, Miss Jordena A., 27 Dec 1865
Davis, Geo. W., 11 Oct 1866
Rowland, John, 5 Jan 1867
Stone, Finas A., 9 Dec 1874
Palm, August B., 30 Oct 1876
Ham, Holman T., 5 Dec 1877
Palm, August B., 26 Dec 1877
Boone, Jos. J., ___ Sep 1880
Haynes, John T., 20 May 1881
Martin, Mrs. Kate F., 20 Nov 1883
Diggs, Ed. E., 17 Jun 1889
Holt, Jos. H., 10 May 1893
Hyland, Robt. R., 19 Jun 1897
Hyland, Robt. R., [27 Feb 1906]
Hyland, John A., 29 July 1911 (Acting postmaster)
Wright, Steve B., 5 Jan 1916
Jester, Morrell M., 1 Sep 1919 (Acting postmaster)
Aten, Frank L., 10 Feb 1922
Ledbetter, John W., 12 Jun 1931

Sutton, Joel, 27 Feb 1874
Cluck, Mrs. Harriet, 22 Dec 1874
Discontinued 29 July 1880

Stolley, Otto, 28 Jan 1895
Wideman, Geo. F., 3 Feb 1897
Discontinued 30 Dec 1897; papers to Cedar Park
(Re-established) Sorelle, Ed. L., 1 Sep 1899
Reynolds, Melvin D., 10 Jan 1900
Discontinued 15 Sep 1900; papers to Cedar Park
(Order rescinded 22 Sep 1900)
Petri, Clara, 21 Sep 1900
Discontinued 30 Sep 1908; mail to Round Rock

Obermiller, C. W., 1 May 1894
Zeplin, Gustav, 7 July 1894
Dabelgott, Henry, 4 May 1896
Streich, Paul, 22 Oct 1896
Young, August A., 5 Aug 1898
Discontinued 29 Feb 1904; papers to Taylor

SAN GABRIEL (Williamson, Milam)
Allen, Thos. J., 13 Aug 1850
Gordon, John G., 14 Apr 1853
Gordon, Andrew, 21 Feb 1856
To Milam County

Matejowsky, Gustav A., 30 Aug 1912
Wallace, Earl R., 3 Mar 1914
Duncan, Mary L., 27 Oct 1916
Roebuck, Judson M., 24 July 1919
Matejowsky, Wm. O., 8 Apr 1920
Tomecek, Jos., 16 Nov 1926

Irvin, Jas. F., 29 Jun 1894
Irvin, Shad. D., 9 Sep 1895
Smith, Frank T., 31 Mar 1896
Discontinued 4 Feb 1898; papers to Bartlett

SOUTH GABRIEL (Williamson, Burnet)
Lewiston, Thos., 29 Sep 1871
To Burnet County

Frink, J. O., 31 Aug 1880
Hutchinson, John H. 20 Mar 1890
Robertson, Ed. A., 20 Dec 1892
Lloyd, John, 9 May 1894
Simons, Jas. A., 5 Feb 1895
Coke [Hoke?] [Miss] Carrie E., 24 May 1898
Way, Frank S., 14 Feb 1912
Brunner, John L., 23 Mar 1915
Hicks, Alex. P., 10 Sep 1924 (Acting postmaster)
Hicks, Paula, 1 Dec 1930 (Acting postmaster)

Lopen, J. B., 9 Aug 1876
Simons, Jas. B., 4 Jan 1877
Frink, John O., 12 Jan 1880
Cg’d to TAYLOR, 31 Aug 1880

Krauss, Fritz, 12 Sep 1890
Discontinued 5 July 1892; mail to Walburg

THORNDALE (Williamson, Milam)
Moore, Miscipsia? A. O., 18 Apr 1878
James, J. B., 24 Feb 1879
Discontinued 19 Mar 1879
(Re-established) Quinn, Jas. K., 28 Apr 1879
Discontinued 26 Jan 1880
(Re-established) Carothers, Lewis W., 14 Jun 1880
Now in Milam County

Riley, Rolly M., 19 Dec 1901
Douglass, Jas. C., 3 Jan 1908
Waters, Martha B., 28 Jan 1915
Howard, Martha Walters, 21 Dec 1921 (Name cg’d by marriage)
Cain, Burna H., 1 Sep 1922 (Acting postmaster)

Towns, Jas. F., 6 May 1895
Discontinued 4 Feb 1896; papers to Georgetown
(Re-established) Weir, Lucy A., 28 July 1899
Weir, Horace M., 3 May 1900
Weir, Lucy A., 7 May 1903
(Order rescinded 27 May 1903)
Weir, Horace M., 3 May 1900
Cg’d to WEIR, 27 May 1903

Daering, Henry, 10 July 1886
Braun, Adolf C. A., 26 Dec 1906
Discontinued 30 Apr 1909; mail to Weir
(Re-established) Braun, Adolf (C. A.), 20 Aug 1909
Kuehne, Selma A., 24 Nov 1911
Kasperik, John, 18 Dec 1912
Werner, Albert C., 27 Feb 1914
Werner, Walter A., 23 Feb 1924
McGinnis, Isaac G., 1 May 1930

Tartar, Patrick G., 12 May 1893
Tate, Patsie J., 24 Nov 1894
Luttrell, Ranza L., 20 Feb 1895
Rainwater, Josiah W., 2 Aug 1897
Cooper, John D. R., 28 Aug 1899
Skeen, Robt. A., 6 Dec 1899
Rainwater, Josiah W., 26 Feb 1901
Tindel, Gusta, 31 Dec 1903
Discontinued 15 Sep 1904; mail to Taylor

Weir, Lucy A., 27 May 1903
Collins, Charlie E., 2 Mar 1905
Burnap, Anna C., 7 May 1919

Letter to Susie Vanhoose from Eppa Thornton Moore

Printer Friendly


Contributed by Mary Love Berryman (marylove@tyler.net) – 16 June 2003


Williamson County Texas August 13th, 1861

Miss Susie Vanhoose

My dear niece,

Yours of the 17th came to hand yesterday evening. I was proud to know that your thoughts still wandered over this way occasionally and to feel that assurance that I am still beloved by you though many a long and dreary mile streaches out between us. Sue, when I receive a letter from any of you, it is pleasure and grief mingled together and when I sit down to write my heart is full to overflowing and even now I cannot force back the tears when I think of friends, relatives and all departed never to meet again, for you must know that I can never return, and the prospect of any of you coming here is quite gloomy. But enough of this. You wish to know all the news. There is nothing here to talk of but war and I suppose you hear plenty of that. Times are growing hard all the time. Goods, groceries and everything is very high since the Maniac Lincoln placed his Man of war in our parts Coffee is only 3 lbs to the dollar. I wish we had a Navy that we could just blow them there to the four winds. The South should have this forthwith. The fine thing – Old Abe knows he will have three wars on his hands instead of one; is it not fortunate that the South is upon friendly terms with all other nations, at present; England and France will join us if the difficulty is not settled soon. Our Gov. in his proclamation ordered all men having Northern sentiments to leave. They are hanging men about here for horse and cow stealing. The regulators hung one man in ten miles of us. He hung there until he dried. His legs and arms dropped off or the dogs pulled them off. But his body and head was still hanging. This looks bad but then he was guilty. His wife went to (S)elton and tried to get men to go and bring him and get his knife (nif) and six shooter that was belted around him but no one would go. She came to our town and wanted our citizens to go and take him down but no one went. She rode up and looked at him and left.

I heard from San Saba a few weeks ago. All were well there. Your Cousin Mat is teaching her brothers and sisters and a few other children. She studied five months at Waco Institute last year. I suppose she has no thought of marrying soon. I have not seen Hatty Cook since she first came out here. She has two little girls. Jim’s wife has a girl and boy. Nan has two boys, one girl. David and Henry Hubert are single. Jack is married. Wiley has never tried to marry that I know of. Sister Betty Thite has his children. Uncle Richard Murray comes down occasionally to see us. Mr. Henderson has got bob (Bob) again. He intends to carry him below and sell him but the price of Negros is down and he gave it out.

Well Sue, this has been quite a crop year with us. We have so much wheat that we could hardly find room for it. Our corn is not gathered though it is plenty dry and all last week we were making syrup from the Chinese cane. We will have two barrels. There is several making at our mill. Some days we made 25 gallons per day.

Alice and Eugene are not going to schobl. Our teacher is off to the wars and will be in a few days. They have just returned from Waco. Several companies went there to drill and be in readiness. They will now go to the state line and there await orders from the President. From all accounts they are needed in Mo. now. McCulloth from Texas has had a big fight there.
He has about 600 Cherokee Indians with him. 600 Warriors can put 10,000 Yankies to flight an I would love to hear of them getting after old Lincoln, Scott, Seward and his gang. If they didn’t make them get up in dust I’d like to know the reason why.

Sue I wish you could see your little namesake. She is pretty and smart too. Jeff Davis is growing fast now since I took to feeding him. He can sit alone. Alice is very large of her age. She can wash dishes sweep the rooms and do a great many little things, for me.

Sue you said that you felt that you were left alone since Martha left. It does look hard to have but one sister, no brother and then be separated. I was glad to hear that you was with your Grand Pa for he must be very lonely when you are absent. And note that he is growing more old and feeble. You should study to make him as happy and comfortable as possible. Stay with him for my sake for you knol that I am so far away that I cannot even visit him. What a pleasure and what a blessing it is to him that you are still with him to attend to all his little wants and notions. You may be lonely in being deprived of the gay and pleasant company of the young. But the time will come if you live long enough that you will say within your ownself you did right in depriving yourself of somethings to gratify him. And now Sue I must tell you to say to Father that we re all well and getting along as well as could be expected in thesE times of war and trouble.

Thursday evening August 15th

Dear Sue

As I did not get to finish my letter Tuesday I will conclude this evening. James Moore brought me his suit of uniform soldiers cloths to make. I have just finished his roundabout. Miss Fannie Morris came over yesterday and made his pants. I now have to wash fix up his cloths and then he will start Saturday. Wm. Redding gave volunteers a candy stew Tuesday night. After the candy was disposed of the volunteers and young ladies formed a procession, marched up through the Prairie to the notes of the fife and drum and had quite jolly time. But the parting time is close at hand. They will all meet at Georgetown Saturday and start. I can sympathize with their weeping parents and families. Altho I am not left alone yet, I know have many near relatives in the armies and we cannot expect them all to get back safe. Lewis was anxious to go but I could not bear the thoughts of being left alone so far from home. If our own state is invaded he may have to go. I learn that Galveston has been attacked by the blockade. Our side victorious again. I believe I have written all the news and I wish you to write soon. Tell me about Aunt Sallie and all the kin folks. And now Susie before I close my letter I must insist upon you to stay close to your Grand Pa for I have thought and felt more seriously about his lonely situation of late than usual. And I have been advised of the fact that he is fast failing. It grieves me much to hear of his bad health. Tell Harriet and Mary and all of the servants to be kind and obedient to him. And may the Lord bless you all is my dayly prayer.

So Farewell, Sue

E. H. Moore (Eppa Thornton Moore)

P.S. Lew will write to Thomas and Father soon, perhaps by the next mail.


Eppa Thornton Moore, the author of the letter, was born 7 January 1833 in Fayette County, Alabama. She was the youngest daughter of David and Bathsheba
White Thornton. On 9 January 1853 she was married to Lewellen Moore, the
youngest son of Lewellen and Priscilla Thornton Moore also of Fayette County,
Alabama. In 1854 they came to Williamson County, Texas and settled near
Florence. Nine children were born to them:
Luvenia Alice, b. 18 Oct 1853, m. R. E. Tribble, 24 Dec 1871
William Eugene, b. 31 Oct 1855, m. Ida Kemp, 15 Feb 1877
John David, b. 6 Mar 1857, m. M. Bell Rutledge, 7 Dec 1882
Susanah Biddy (Sudie), b. 22 Nov 1858
Jefferson Davis, b. 27 Jan 1861, M. A. Emma Barber, 8 Mar 1882
Henry Gains, b. 24 Feb 1869, m. Mattie DeShields 1 Jul 1896
Battie Elizabeth, b. 23 Dec 187O, m. William C. Walker
Mark Thornton, b. 31 Mar 1873
Lafayette Murray, b. 5 Jan 1876, d. 8 Apr 1892
Eppa Thornton Moore died 11 February 1918 and is buried in the Florence Cemetery with her husband Lewellen Moore who died 15 October 1913.

Most of the people mentioned in the letter are relatives who came from Alabama and Mississippi. The following are identified:

Cousin Mat – Martha A. Murray – daughter of Richard and Agnes Moore Murray. She married David Parker Tunnell.

Hatty Cook – Harriet Murray, wife of G. B. Cook, daughter of Richard and Agnes Moore Murray.

Jim – James L. Murray, wife Catherine Hudson, son of Richard and Agnes Moore Murray.

Nan – Nancy Hubbert, wife of John W. Murray, daughter of Matthew and Elizabeth Stallworth Thornton Hubbert.

David and Henry Hubbert – sons of Matthew and Elizabeth Stallworth Thornton

Wiley – Wiley T. Murray, son of Richard and Agnes Moore Murray, m. 1. Sarah H. Hubbert, 2. Elizabeth Sloan.

Alice, Eugene and Jeff Davis – Children of Eppa and Lewellen Moore. James Moore, son of John Mayfield and Marinda White Paden Moore, m. Nancy Ann Tomlinson

Miss Fannie Morris – Daughter of John and Sarah Frame Morris.

Thomas – Thomas Thornton, son of David and Bathsheba White Thornton.

Father and your Grand Pa – David Thornton.

Martha – Martha Van Hoose, daughter of Nancy A. Thornton Van Hoose Murray, m. John Yerby.

The letter was written to her neice, Susannah Van Hoose, the daughter of Eppa’s sister Nancy, who lived in Fayette County, Alabama. Much to Eppa’s sorrow Lewellen (Louis/Lew) did enlist in the Confederate Army and served with Co. G, Col. R. T. P. Allen’s Regiment TVI, CSA.

Letter to Britton Vest from Betty Mabry

Printer Friendly


Submitted by: burtwyat@ctesc.net (Frederica Burt) – August 7, 2000


Mr. Britton C. Vest
Bagdad, Williamson County, Texas

April 12th 1868

Kindest Friend

I received your letter last evening requesting me to write you the particulars of my dear brother William’s death. With grief do I relate his sufferings and death. He was taken sick on the night of the 13 of March but he told us nothing of it. Next morning he arose as he commonly did and made a fire, but went back to the room and lay down again. I got breakfast ready but he refused to eat. I went to him and found he had a very high fever.

He however after laying abed for some two hours he again got up, washed himself and combed his hair and tried to be cheerful as usual. We fixed him his breakfast but he ate very little. He soon had to take to his bed again. Alas! that bed from which he never arise only to be carried by his weeping friends to the silent churchyard. His sickness was of short duration, living but four days after he was taken. We sent for a physician the second day. He did all in his power to save him, but all in vain. His short race was run, all medical skill could not stay his approaching destiny. He suffered greatly but bore it with unshrinking fortitude. He was perfectly at himself til the last moment; Oh, would you all have been here at his dying to see this Christian die. Could you have heard his dear dying words it surely would make you rejoice instead of grieve. There were a number of his faithful friends around his dying couch. He bade us all goodbye and said to meet him in heaven. He told us to tell all his friends to meet him there and begged us not to weep for him. His last words to me was “Beck, you mustn’t weep for me”. Oh how those sweet words are still remembered, they sound so plainly to me yet. I try to do as he requested me but how can I keep from weeping for so dear and kind a brother as he was always to me. I think my heart must be stone not to shed tears, yes bitter years, for my noble brother. I find it hard, yes the hardest trial I ever had to endure to give him up.

It so hard I can’t give him up although I know he is gone and can never return to me. It sometimes appears to me more than I can bear but of course, it is not or it would not have been put upon me. He was buried with Masonic honors surrounded by many mourning friends, there are many to mourn for him, for if he had an enemy I knew it not. everyone loved him as you very well know. He died of pneumonia.

Ma has been very low with pneumonia but is going about again. Papa has sold out here said rented a place in Salado. We intended on moving tomorrow but I don’t know whether we will get off or not, as it is now raining. Give my love to Mrs. Vest and Parson Vest, to Lide, and all the family. Excuse mistakes and blunders. Wright soon.

Betty Mabry

April 22nd 1868

I have not had a chance to send my letter to the office before. Papa received Parson Vest’s letter the other day. I don’t expect he can meet him at his meetings as he is in a great rush at this time. We have got to Salado at last.

1927 Sou’wester, Yearbook of Southwestern University

Printer Friendly


Contributed by Submitted by: Don Brownlee (don.brownlee@csun.edu)


1927 Sou’wester, Yearbook of Southwestern University (Georgetown, Texas)

Below is a list of the students and faculty at Southwestern University in Georgetown, TX. For information about sports or club membership or for further information you are welcome to contactt: (don.brownlee@csun.edu).

Aiken, Edwin
Albin, Annis
Albin, Lera
Allbritten, Leo
Allen, Joe
Alvis, Eugene
Ames, Frederick
Arbuckle, Mildred
Armstrong, Jack
Ashworth, Mary E.
Awalt, Clyde
Ayres, Dorothy
Baggett, Kathleen
Ballew, Harvey C
Banks, Buford.
Barcus, Annie Edward
Barcus, James Samuel
Barnett, Margaret
Barron, Dorothy
Barron, Leroy
Barry, Ethlyn
Baskin, Clyde
Baskin, Rosalie
Bean, Isabelle
Beard, Hazel
Becker, Gladys
Behrens, Charles Lamar
Behrns, Lilia
Bell, Ernest
Bell, Walter Land
Bennett, Pauline
Biggs, Velma
Black, Grace
Blackburn, Wesley
Bode, Gilbert A.
Bowles, Elizabeth
Bowman, Bertha
Box, Melba
Brannen, Herschel
Brewer, Mabel
Bridges, Mrs.
Brigance, Mildred
Brooks, Johnnie Marie
Brown, Mildred
Brown, Rayburn
Buchanan, Frances
Buckingham, Tom
Buckner, Paschal
Buffington, Beverly
Bunting, James A.
Burgin, Bess
Burleson, Cordelia
Burleson, James
Burnett, L. B.
Butler, Hugh
Byee, Clara Belle
Caldwell, Loula Belle
Caldwell, Will E.
Campbell, Emory
Campbell, Eugenia
Campbell, Evelyn
Carl, Hope
Carpenter, Christine
Carroll, Francis
Carter, Roscoe
Cates, Margaret
Caton, Mary
Chreitzberg, R. H.
Chrisman, Rozella
Clampitt, Doris
Clark, Frank
Clark, Iva Lee
Clark, William B.
Clements, Emanuel C.
Clements, J. T.
Clinton, Maurine
Cobb, Kathryn
Compton, H. Ayres
Conelly, Ottie
Cooke, Ena Mae
Cooper, Tommie
Corbett, Betty
Cordill, Margarette
Cox, Frances
Cox, Theo
Cox, Thera
Cravy, Sadie
Crenshaw, George Samuel Parker
Cruikshank, Etta
Cunningham, Clay
Cunningham, Henry
Cunningham, Jean
Cunningham, Sothron
Curry, Walter
Czarowitz, Francis
Darwood, Grace
Dashiell, Douglas
Davidson, William Paul
Davis, A. E.
Davis, Allen
Davis, Beulah Estelle
David, Jessie May
Davis, Molly
Davis, Ruth
Davis, Virgie
Davis, Zola Belle
De Vilbis, Fay
Dice, James
Dickson, William H.
Dobes, Josof
Douglas, Helen
Douthit, Harry
Downman, Burch
Dozier, Elizabeth
Duncan, Bruce
Duncan, Dawson
Duncan, Starkey
Durrenberger, Charles
Durst, Harby
Edens, Lucile
Elders, Ella
Elliott, Margaret
Elliott, Norma
Ellis, J. Arthur
Ellyson, Elizabeth Mary
Emerson, Camilla
Enochs, Emily Jervis
Ericson, Ima
Ewing, Gladys
Fair, Wilma
Faubion, Lucile
Featherstone, Ruth
Ferguson, Mrs. Anne
Ferguson, Mrs. Ruth Morgan
Fikes, Jean Hazel
Flin, Glenn
Fly, Elizabeth
Fly, Etta
Foster, Gertrude
Foster, Lee
Fowler, McSwain
Fowler, Tom
Fox, Howard
Fox, Mary E.
Fox, Neale
Fox, Walter
Franklin, Edwin
Franklin, Marvin
Freeman, Mary
Fry, Dudley
Fry, Leslie
Fry, Stanley
Gafford, Shelton
Gafford, Vera
Gardner, Walton
Gates, Dave
Gates, J. Y.
Gillett, Laura
Gober, Jim
Godbey, John Campbell
Goodson, Berta
Goodson, Janice Elizabeth
Gordon, Louis A. J.
Gordon, P. T.
Graves, Harold
Gray, Herbert Lee
Gray, Jeannette
Gray, Marion
Gray, Willis
Green, Lester
Greenwood, Helen
Greer, Betty
Greer, Cyntheal
Griffith, Travis
Guggolz, Hal
Gusman, Ethel
Gusman, Richard
Guthrie, Robert Vernon
Hahn, Clarence
Hall, R. B.
Hamilton, Kathlyn
Hardin, Dick
Hardin, Ernest R.
Hardin, M. M.
Hardin, Mary
Hargreaves, Alice
Harkey, Rockey Ammons
Harris, Charles
Harris, Ida Merle
Hasness, Winifred
Hausenfluke, Myrtle
Hawkins, Ollie
Hawkins, R. M.
Heard, Ethel Lee
Hebert, Loraine
Hempel, Raymond
Hemphill, Mary
Henson, W. D.
Hereford, Ernest H.
Herring, Mary C.
Hester, George Coone
Hickman, Katherine
Hill, Alfred
Hill, Ennis
Hitchcock, Alice
Hodges, Claire
Hodges, Elizabeth
Hodges, Lorraine
Hodges, Marion L.
Hodges, Mary Lou
Hoffman, William P., Jr.
Hoke, Samuel
Holitzke, Mary
House, Wade
Howard, Claud
Hubly, Lillian
Hudler, Tony
Hudson, Grace
Hudson, Mary Zada
Huff, Earl
Humphrey, Joe
Hunter, Frances
Hurt, Hosephine
Hyman, Louise
Innis, Homer
Insall, Thelma
Isaacs, Robbie
Ivey, Burnet Steele
Jackson, B. F.
Jennings, C. H.
Jennings, Claude
Johns, Don
Johns, Lloyd
Jones, Elizabeth
Jones, James
Jordan, Ruby
Jordon, Emily
Karbach, Alta
Keeling, Edgar R.
Keith, George R.
Keith, Lilian
Kemp, Ruth Rosemary
Kennedy, Lillian
Kerr, L. A.
Kilgore, Bernice
Knopp, George
Krensavage, Mary
Kuykendall, Laura
Landrum, Christine
Lanier, Ossie Mae
Lassiter, Annie Lee
Lassiter, Dorothy
Lawrence, Kelly
Ledger, Scott
Lee, Lois
Lee, William Howard
Legg, Donald Maurice
Lehmberg, Frederick C. A.
Lehmberg, Lee
Leissner, Robert L.
Lewis, Helen
Lewis, J. Wooten
Logan, Albert
Long, Charles
Love, Joe Brown
Love, LaNelle
Lovell, Hollis
Lowe, James E.
Lundell, Emma
Lynum, John
Maize, Lucile
Malechek, Norman
Markham, Frank
Marsh, Evelyn
Marshall, Riley
Martin, Lila
Mason, Edwin
Mathews, Annette
May, Jim
May, Lorene
McAfee, Rufus
McCaleb, William
McClendon, Madeline
McCord, Bernard
McDaniel, Leslie
McKennon, Margaret
McLaughlin, Arthur
McMullen, Reed
McNeil, Lena
McNeil, Leora
McSwain, Richard
Medlen, Raymond
Meekins, Lewis
Mercer, Johnnie
Meredith, Ruth
Michael, Margaret
Middleton, Cecil
Mihulik, Edwin
Miller, Beatrice
Miller, Joe
Miller, Myrna
Miller, Nick F.
Mitchell, Florence
Mitchell, Ruth
Moet, John Allen
Mood, Francis
Mood, Frank A.
Moorman, James Bolling
Morgan, Clyde
Moses, Lorena
Moses, Raymond Bryant
Moses, W. H.
Moss, Maxine
Moss, Walter E.
Moten, Homer
Mulling, Hazell
Murphy, Mary A.
Myers, Lucile
Neas, Pearl
Nelson, W. H.
Newbury, Thomas
Newman, Neely
Newton, Agnes
Nichols, Alfred
Nichols, Mary Frank
Noble, Gladys
Norman, Arlee
Nunn, Curtis
Oden, Irene
Olsen, Selette
Onstot, Edward P.
Onstot, Howard C.
Ozment, Jewel
Ozment, Lourine
Pace, George R.
Palm, Anna Blanche
Palmer, Bruce
Parker, Maude
Parker, Oswald
Parsons, Lloyd
Patterson, Charles Elmo
Patterson, Mary
Payne, Evalyn
Payne, Marylee
Pearcy, Edith
Percy, William M.
Perkins, Elizabeth
Perrin, Bessie
Perry, Ellis
Perry, Merle
Pierce, Foy
Piper, T. J.
Platt, Elizabeth
Pollard, Lura
Pollard, Mildred
Poole, Gwendolyn
Powell, Edna May
Powers, Ernest C.
Powers, James Ezra
Price, Franklin
Price, Vernon
Pyle, Walter
Queen, Ruth
Raborn, Carroll
Ray, Mrs. Mary Martha
Reaves, George
Reed, Walter
Rees, Wade
Reese, Erette
Reese, Martha
Reese, R. W.
Regan, William
Reynolds, Grady
Richards, Tommie
Richeson, Arthur K.
Robertson, Tommy Lou
Robidoux, Bertha
Robinson, La Bertice
Robison, Andrew
Robuck, Elvi Leigh
Rogers, Ernest
Roughton, Curtis
Rowntree, John
Sadler, Ruth
Saunders, Hazel
Schow, Maidee
Schweers, Clarence
Scott, H. H.
Seafers, Frederick
Sentell, Johne D.
Shell, Dorothy
Shepperd, Bailey
Shepperd, Evelyn
Short, John Q.
Shrader, Russell E.
Simpson, Lenora
Smith, Cleo
Smith, E. Babe
Smith, Fred Cooper
Spacek, Thelma
Spencer, Tennessee
Sponberg, Luerene
Stafford, Gerard
Stansell, Mildred
Stevens, Joe
Stewart, Mary Lee
Stiles, Carra
Stiles, Lois
Stirling, La Verne
Stocklas, Florine
Stone, Tula Lee
Suddath, Clyde
Sullivan, Wilmuth
Sutton, Imogene
Tally, Dorothy
Tarver, Elizabeth
Tarver, Katherine Field
Taylor, Guthrie
Teague, Weldon
Terry, Frank Harold
Terry, Joseph
Thomas, Jayne
Thomas, Jesse
Thomas, Kennard
Thompson, Lillian
Thompson, Mary
Thompson, William
Tisdale, Velma
Tinsley, Randolph Wood
Tompkins, Evelyne
Trenckmann, Mercedes
Triggs, George
Truitt, Della Mae
Truitt, Gertrude
Tunnell, Ruth
Ullrich, Oscar A.
Vaden, Wesley Carroll
Vaught, Verna Mae
Vaughn, Chester
Vaughn, Rudolph L.
Verduzco, Paul
Vineyard, B. L.
Wade, Maggie
Wade, O. C.
Wagnon, Bentley
Wakefield, Nell
Walker, Archie
Walker, Lena
Wallace, Martha
Wallace, Velma
Walling, Rosemary
Walters, Mack
Walton, Agnes
Wapple, Albert R.
Ward, Bunny
Ward, Luella
Warinner, Lewis T.
Webb, Velma
Weir, Afton C.
Weir, Avis
Weir, Leta
Wentz, William Dwight
West, Josephine
Westphall, Corrine
Wherry, Ruth
Whigham, Carmen
Whigham, Herschal E.
White, Cecil Thayer
White, J. Aubrey
White, Melvin
Whitehurst, Gertie
Whittington, Fern
Whitworth, Jack
Wier, Eleanor
Wilbern, Glen
Wiley, Anna Rae
Wiley, Imogene
Wiley, T. E.
Wilkes, Edith
Williams, Frances
Williams, John
Williams, Lois
Williams, Myron Lawson
Williamson, Jewell
Wilson, Eloise
Wilson, Evelyn
Wilson, Ione
Wilson, Joe
Wood, Goree
Woodruff, Whitten
Wynne, Mary
Yarrell, Marjorie
Yearwood, Florence
Young, Fred M.
Young, Mary
Young, Mrs. O. D.
Young, Mrs. Paul
Young, Paul Patterson

1926 Sou’wester, Yearbook of Southwestern University

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Contributed by Submitted by: Don Brownlee (don.brownlee@csun.edu)


1926 Sou’wester, Yearbook of Southwestern University, Georgetown, Texas

The following students and faculty are individually pictured in the 1926 Sou’wester. They are listed in order of family name, given names, class (fac=faculty; sr=senior; jr=junior; so=sophomore; fr=freshman) and hometown. For most of the students there is a listing of club or sports participation. For most of the seniors there is also a description of their talents or personality. For this or additional information you are welcome to contact: (don.brownlee@csun.edu).

Adams, Donald Q., sr, New Braunfels
Agee, W. B., fr, Runge
Albin, Lera, so, Spur
Allamon, Lafayette, sr, Belton
Allen, Joe, so, Round Rock
Allison, Norine, fr, Bertram
Alvis, C. Eugene, fr, Gatesville
Ames, Frederick, so, Georgetown
Armstrong, Jack, jr, San Augustine
Atkin, John Thatcher, fac
Awalt, Clyde N., fr, Round Rock
Ayres, Dorothy, so, Gatesville
Bachtel, M. K., sr, Mishawaka IN
Bagby, Halcy, so, Georgetown
Bailey, Walter, so, Georgetown
Banowsky, R. W., jr, San Antonio
Barcus, James Samuel, fac
Barnett, Cecil G., sr, Oletha
Barnett, Margaret, so, Karnes City
Barron, Leroy, fr, Georgetown
Baskin, Clyde, fr, Cameron
Bay, Jim Foster, so, Richards
Bean, Isabel, so, San Angelo
Behrns, Lamar, jr, Alice
Bell, Walter, jr, Joplin MO
Bennett, Jim, fr, Temple
Bennett, Pauline, fr, Groesbeck
Biggs, Velma, jr, San Antonio
Bishop, Thomas W., so, Hearne
Blackburn, Wesley, fr, Rockdale
Blackburn, Sallie, fr, Junction
Blatherwick, Alma, fr, Fort Worth
Bowles, Elizabeth, jr, Houston
Bowman, Bertha, fr, Georgetown
Box, Grace, sr, Georgetown
Box, Melba, jr, Georgetown
Branch, Amy, sr
Brewer, Mabel, fr, Ballinger
Brooks, Armour, fr, Bertram
Brooks, Johnnie Marie, jr, Bellville
Brown, Lorena, so, Kingsville
Brown, Mildred, so, Bartlett
Broyles, Lucille, fr, Cherokee
Bryson, Katherine, fr, Bertram
Buckingham, Tom, jr, Gainesville
Bufford, Alice, fr, Georgetown
Bunting, David, fr, Bryan
Burdick, Donald L., fac
Burgin, Bess, fr, Yancey
Burgin, Fred, fac
Burnap, Sam, fr, Weir
Butler, Roger C., so, Georgetown
Buttery, Mary Nash, sr, Llano
Bybee, Clarabelle, fr, Mexia
Caldwell, Loula Belle, so, Sonora
Carl, Hope, fr, Del Rio
Carrington, Mildred, fr, Hearne
Carter, Roscoe K., jr, Goliad
Cates, Reuel, fr, Georgetown
Caton, Ruby, fr, Lufkin
Chaison, Eloise, fr, Beaumont
Chambers, H. H., sr, Georgetown
Chanberlain, Mart, so, Burnet
Chandler, Bernice, so, McKinney
Chapman, Nelle, so, Beaumont
Chreitzberg, Robert H., fr, Georgetown
Clark, Fay, fr, Ballinger
Clark, Kathleen, so, San Augustine
Clements, J. T., so, Burnet
Clements, Manning, fr, Burnet
Comer, Tram S., fr, Liberty Hill
Compton, H. Ayres, fr, Gatesville
Conoley, Karine, fr, Taylor
Cooke, Ena Mae, so, Taylor
Cooper, Tommy, so, Georgetown
Cousins, Jewel, sr, McLean
Cox, Elmer, ffr, Normangee
Cox, Theo L., fr, Belton
Cox, William Arthur, sr, Belton
Crenshaw, G. S., so, Bryan
Cunningham, Clay C., fr, San Antonio
Cunningham, Henry T., fr, Bracketville
Cunningham, Jean, fr, Carrizo Springs
Curry, Walter W., fr, San Antonio
Dannelly, Edwin E., sr, Lockhart
Davidson, William Paul, fac
Davis, Albert, fr, San Augustine
Davis, Clyde, so, Georgetown
Davis, Molly, so, Georgetown
Dean, Lucille, fr, San Saba
Denson, Mary E., fr, Granger
Denson, Sue, so, Cameron
Dickson, D. S., jr, Navasota
Dickson, William, fr, Moody
Dorbandt, J. C., sr, Georgetown
Dorbandt, Moris, jr, Georgetown
Dorbandt, Thelma, so, Georgetown
Downman, Birch, so, Houston
Downs, Hollie, fr, Navasota
Duncan, Starkey, jr, Stamford
Duncan, T. P., jr, Meridian
Durrenberger, Charles, jr, Copperas Cove
Durrenberger, Louise, sr, Copperas Cove
Durrett, P. K., sr, Lakeview
Edens, Lucille, fr, Georgetown
Elizondo, Onesimo, so, Piedras Negras MEXICO
Elliot, Lucille, so, Corsicana
Elliot, Norma, fr, Angleton
Ellis, J. Arthur, fr, McGregor
Ellyson, Elizabeth, jr, Georgetown
Emerson, Camilla, fr, Georgetown
Enochs, Emily Jervis, fr, Georgetown
Entriken, Mrs. J. B., sr, Georgetown
Entriken, John Bennett, fac
Ericson, Agnes, so, Georgetown
Evans, Mildred, jr, Georgetown
Everhard, Rob T., fr, Pharr
Faubion, Lucille, fr, Leander
Ferguson, Anne, fac
Ferguson, Ruth Morgan, fac
Flinn, Glenn, fac
Foster, Lee J., so, Georgetown
Fowler, McSwain, jr, Georgetown
Fox, J. Howard, so, Granger
Fox, Walter, jr, Granger
Fox, Wilson H., sr, Granger
Frances, Josephine, fr, Ballinger
Freeman, Mary, fr, Maysfield
French, Charles, fr, Greenville
Friedrich, Herta, fr, Smithfield
Frieze, H. S., sr, New Braunfels
Fry, Dudley, fr, Robstown
Gee, Alverta, sr, Georgetown
Germany, Mary, sr, Dallas
Gibbons, Richard, sr, Burkburnett
Giddings, J. D., sr, Sommersville
Gillett, Laura, jr, Georgetown
Giron, Raphael, so, Georgetown
Glover, E. A., sr, Raymondsville
Godbey, John Campbell, fac
Goodson, Janice E., jr, Comanche
Gordon, Louis, jr, Eagle Lake
Gowan, Edd, fr, Bellevue
Graves, Harold, so, Fort Worth
Gray, Ethel Lee, jr, Georgetown
Gray, George F., sr, Waco
Gray, Herbert Lee, fac
Gray, Jeannette, so, Victoria
Gray, Willis, sr, Yoakum
Green, Ford, fr, Brownsville
Green, Lester, fr, Georgetown
Green, Oatman, so, Georgetown
Greenwood, Helen, fr, Navasota
Greer, Cyntheal, fr, Beaumont
Griffith, Travis, so, Georgetown
Guggolz, Hal, fr, Gatesville
Gusman, Ethel, fr, Bay City
Gusman, R. C., jr, Bay City
Gustwick, Dorothy, so, Yoakum
Guthrie, Robert Vernon, fac
Hahn, Clarence, so, Georgetown
Hall, R. B., fr, Leander
Hall, Tom, fac
Hamblen, Oberia, jr, Haskell
Hancock, Mabel Claire, jr, Coolidge
Hardin, Earnest, jr, Georgetown
Hardin, M. M., jr, Georgetown
Hardin, Mary, fr, Beaumont
Hardin, Richard, jr, Georgetown
Harkey, Rockey A., jr, Sinton
Harper, Era, jr, Robstown
Harper, John M., so, Mexia
Harper, Pearl Lee, so, Robstown
Harris, Charles H., so, Georgetown
Hassell, Bobbye, so, San Angelo
Hawkins, Ollie, so, Georgetown
Head, Myrtie Louise, fr, Austin
Heath, Jesse, jr, Madisonville
Hebert, Loraine, so, Georgetown
Hemphill, Mary, jr, Lott
Henson, Margaret, so, Georgetown
Herford, Ernest H., fac
Herndon, Harry, so, Bronson
Herring, Mary C., so, San Angelo
Hester, George Coone, fac
Hewitt, Margaret, fr, Temple
Hill, Ennis, fr, Moody
Hill, Margaret, fr, Moody
Hill, Melvina, fr, Georgetown
Hinton, Elma, fr, Encinal
Hitchcock, Alice, so, Caldwell
Hodges, Claire, fr, Beaumont
Hodges, Clifton, sr, Georgetown
Hodges, Elizabeth, jr, Georgetown
Hodges, Louis, fr, Iowa Park
Hodges, Marion L., fr, Marlin
Hollingsworth, Madel, fr, Georgetown
Hooper, Wesley, fr, Taylor
House, Wade, jr, Carrizo Springs
Howard, Claud, fac
Hoyle, Ruth, jr, Decatur
Hubly, Lillian, jr, Houston
Hudson, Mary Zada, jr, Georgetown
Huff, Earl W., fr, Raymondville
Huffman, Maxine, fr, Beaumont
Hunt, D. L., jr, Normangee
Hunter, Frances, fr, Beaumont
Hurt, Josephine, fr, Georgetown
Hyman, Louise, so, Rosebud
Imle, Edgar F., fr, Donna
Insall, Thelma, fr, Smithville
Isaacs, Robbie, jr, Georgetown
Ivey, Burnet Steele, fac
Jackson, A. Eugene, fr, Luling
Jackson, B. F., fr, Miami
Jackson, Frankie, jr, Miami
Jancik, Olga, sr, Caldwell
Jennings, C. H., so, Hagerman NM
Johns, Don, fr, Georgetown
Johnson, Lucille, fr, Lytle
Johnson, Maurine, sr, Lytle
Jones, Elizabeth, so, Dallas
Jones, Lurline, jr, Holland
Jones, M. D., sr, San Antonio
Jordan, Emily, so, Art
Jordan, Ruby, so, Mason
Karbach, Alta, so, Kenedy
Keith, Helen, sr, Luling
Keith, Lillian, so, Luling
Kelly, Evangeline, so, Reagan
Kemp, Ruth, jr, Cameron
Kidd, John G., so, Center
Kidd, Mrs. R. J., sr, Georgetown
Kidd, Mrs. Von L., fac
Kilgore, Bernice, fr, Cedar Bayou
Kincannon, Layton E., sr, Georgetown
King, Allie Dale, fr, Jonah
Knauth, Walter, fr, Weir
Koffman, Jewell, fr, Florence
Kothmann, June Eda, fr, Llano
Krensavage, Mary, fr, San Antonio
Krumnow, Monroe, fr, Marlin
Kuykendall, Elizabeth, fr, Llano
Kuykendall, Laura, fac
Lamb, Luella, sr, Amarillo
Lassiter, Anna Lee, so, Elkhart
Lawlis, Mary, fr, Colorado
Lawlis, Ruth, sr, Colorado
Ledger, Scott, fr, Killeen
Lee, Harold, sr, Temple
Legg, Donald, jr, Georgetown
Leifeste, Sam, sr, Mason
Leissner, Robert L., jr, Yorktown
Lehmberg, Frederick C. A., fac
Lehmberg, Lee C., so, Crockett
Lemberg, Dorothy, sr, Georgetown
Lewis, Maudie, fr, Jarrell
Lilly, Bob T., fr, Sulphur Springs
Lindell, Milton, so, Georgetown
Little, Elizabeth Ann, sr, San Angelo
Littlefield, Gwendolyn, so, Nixon
Livingston, L. D., jr, Lawton OK
Logan, Albert, fac
Long, Charles A., fr, Atlanta
Love, Frances, fac
Love, Joe Brown, jr, Chriesman
Low, James E., jr, Cherokee
Lundell, Emma, fr, Georgetown
Lynum, John, fr, Buffalo
Maier, Margaret E., fr, Fredericksburg
Malechek, Norman C., so, Bartlett
Malich, Lorena, fr, Somerville
Maltsberger, Alice, sr, Cotulla
Marrs, Totsy, jr, Georgetown
Marshall, Riley, fr, Moody
Martin, Elmer N., fr, Itasca
Martin, Lila, fr, Lampasas
Mateer, Avis L., fr, Kingman KS
Mateer, Duane, sr, Kingman KS
Mateer, Warren D., sr, Kingman KS
McAfee, Rufus, jr, Frost
McCaleb, W. E., so, Austin
McClendon, Grace, fr, Elgin
McClung, Fred, fr, Atlanta
McCord, Bernard L., fr, Richland
McCrary, Mamie, fr, Goldthwaite
McDavid, Finis E., fr, Timpson
McKeand, Sidney, fr, Fife
McKennon, Margaret, fac
McMullen, Reed, fr, Lufkin
McNeil, Leora, fr, Raymondville
Mensing, W. P., so, La Grange
Merchant, John H., so, Haskell
Meredith, Ruth, fr, Llano
Middleton, Cecil R., so, Spicewood
Mikulik, Edwin, fr, Shriner
Millican, Norma V., fr, San Saba
Milligan, Roland W., fr, Raymondville
Mitchell, Kenneth, so, La Feria
Mitchell, Ruth, fr, Georgetown
Montgomery, Elizabeth, so, Bartlett
Mood, Dorothy, jr, Georgetown
Mood, Frank A., jr, McKinney
Mood, George F., sr, McKinney
Moore, Goree, fr, Temple
Morgan, Charlie, so, Texarkana
Morgan, Mrs. Charles, so, Grovetown
Moses, Lorena, so, Georgetown
Moses, R. B., jr, Keltys
Moses, W. H., fac
Moss, Walter E., jr, Waco
Moten, Homer, so, Lampasas
Moursund, C. T., fr, Dallas
Neas, Pearl A., fac
Neely, Emily Belle, fr, Jarrell
Nesbitt, Wilmuth, fr, Trinity
Newman, Neely, so, San Benito
Nichols, Mary Frank, fr, Georgetown
Norman, Arlee, fr, Killeen
Norton, Donna, jr, Fort Worth
Nunn, Curtis W., so, Georgetown
Oden, Irene, fr, Atlanta
Onstot, Edward P., jr, Georgetown
Onstot, Howard C., so, Georgetown
Orr, Doreene, fr, Rockdale
Ozment, Jewel, jr, Austin
Pace, Jen Etis, sr, Temple
Palmer, Bruce, jr, Henrietta
Palmer, Wilma, so, Normangee
Patterson, Charles Elmo, jr, Georgetown
Patterson, Mary, so, Taylor
Payne, Evalyn, jr, San Angelo
Payne, Marylee, fr, San Angelo
Pearcy, Edith, so, Stephenville
Pennington, Lucy, fr, Georgetown
Perrin, Bessie, fr, Georgetown
Perrin, Tom, sr, Georgetown
Perry, Ellis, fr, San Antonio
Pierce, Ella Lee, so, Georgetown
Piper, T. J., fr, Elgin
Platt, Elizabeth, fr, Georgetown
Pollard, Mildred, jr, Georgetown
Polly, W. L., fr, San Augustine
Pope, J. G., fr, Coleman
Potts, F. Bennett, fr, Bertram
Powell, Buster V., sr, Wayland
Price, Franklin, fr, Georgetown
Prinzing, Freda May, fr, Bartlett
Pritchard, Travis, fr, Atlanta
Raborn, Carrol, so, San Antonio
Randolph, E. Douglas, fr,, Menard
Ranson, T. D., jr, Richmond
Ray, Mary Martha, fac
Reagor, Gladys, fr, Georgetown
Reagor, Linnie Belle, fr, Georgetown
Reynolds, Carl, sr, Del Rio
Reynolds, Clara Mae, so, Granger
Reynolds, Grady, sr, Del Rio
Richardson, Dudley, sr, Moody
Richeson, Arthur K., jr, Georgetown
Riddick, John Allen, fac, Texarkana
Robinson, La Bertice, so, Cameron
Robuck, John Benton, so, Helena
Roper, Earnest, sr, Georgetown
Ross, Eula Mae, sr, Sonora
Rowlett, Oran, jr, Georgetown
Rowntree, Martha, sr, Bartlett
Rowntree, Nellie, jr, Georgetown
Rushing, Reginald, sr, Calvert
Russell, Mary E., so, Liberty Hill
Sadler, Ruth, so, Gatesville
Sammuell, J. G., fr, Oklahoma City OK
Sample, Ina Mae, fr, Georgetown
Sands, John A., jr, Chatfield
Schwald, Lucile, fr, Killeen
Seafers, C. F., jr, Palestine
Sealy, Leona, sr, Temple
Searles, David Thomas, fac
Seay, Virginia, fr, Clarksville
Sells, Traylor D., sr, Georgetown
Shell, Dorothy Beatrice, fr, Georgetown
Shell, Mary Catherine, fr, Georgetown
Shofner, Algee, fr, Killeen
Shook, Gladys, fr, Houston
Short, Jake L., jr, Bandera
Shrader, Russell E., jr, Raymondsville
Simpson, Lenora, jr, Llano
Sims, Fannie Florence, sr, Clarendon
Skinner, Charles I., jr, Buckholts
Sloan, David E., fr, Houston
Smith, Cleo, fr, Marble Falls
Smith, E. Babe, fr, Lampasas
Spencer, Tennessee, fr, San Antonio
Sponberg, Lurene, fr, Elgin
Spradling, V. B., fr, Lake Victor
Standlee, A. G., sr, Georgetown
Stanford, Preston, sr, Lorena
Stansell, Mildred, jr, Georgetown
Stephens, Iris, fr, Georgetown
Stevens, Joe, fr, Coleman
Stewart, Charlie Ruth, sr, Huntington
St. Guilhem, Harriette, jr, San Antonio
Stiles, Cara, fr, Thorndale
Stiles, Lois, fr, Thorndale
Stirling, Blanche, sr, Killeen
Stirling, LaVerne, fr, Killeen
Stockard, Mollie, jr, Meridian
Stone, Tula Lee, fr, Georgetown
Tag, Lee R., sr, Cameron
Tarver, Katherine Field, fac
Taylor, Guthrie, fr, Bertram
Terry, Harold, jr, Houston
Thomas, Kennard, fr, Anderson
Thompson, Mary, fr, Georgetown
Thurston, Oscar W., sr, Portales NM
Tinsley, Randolph Wood, fac
Tisdale, Velma, fac
Tompkins, Evelyn, fr, Somerville
Travis, Mary Porter, fr, Mexia
Traylor, Carroll S., sr, Cuero
Tunnell, Ruth, fr, Stamford
Ullrich, Oscar A., fac
Vaden, Wesley Carroll, fac
Vaughan, Chester, fr, Georgetown
Vaughan, Howard, fr, Liberty Hill
Vaughan, Rudolph, jr, Sherman
Vollers, Bertie Lee, fr, Goliad
Wakefield, Nell, fr, Midway
Wales, Gladys, fr, Georgetown
Walker, Christine, sr, Texarkana
Walker, Edwin R., sr, Rockwall
Wallace, Zudelle, jr, Mount Calm
Walton, Agnes, fr, Swenson
Wardlow, Malcorine, fr, Ballinger
Ware, Mamie, fr, Somerset
Warriner, Lewis, fr, Moody
Watkins, Jim, fr, Llano
Watson, Lois, fr, Orange
Weir, Avis, fr, Georgetown
Weir, Leroy G., sr, Georgetown
Weir, Leta, fr, Weir
Wentz, William Dwight, fac
Whigham, Herschel E., jr, Donna
Whitaker, Jack, fr, Sulphur Springs
White, Cecil Thayer, so, Sulphur Springs
White, Melvin, so, Luling
Whitehead, Norine, fr, La Pryor
Whittington, B. M., so, Rogers
Whitworth, Jack N., fr, San Antonio
Whitworth, Willie, sr, Sweetwater
Wier, Eleanor, fr, Beaumont
Wilcox, Mary, so, Georgetown
Wiley, Anna Ray, fr, Georgetown
Wiley, Elmer T., so, Georgetown
Wiley, Emogene, jr, El Campo
Wilkes, Edith, jr, Hubbard
Williams, Frances, fr, Caldwell
Williams, Ida Lois, fr, Fort Worth
Williams, J. P., fr, Mexia
Williams, Louie D., sr, Granger
Williams, Myron Lawson, fac
Williamson, Jewel, fr, Sonora
Wilson, Bessie Mae, fr, Wharton
Wilson, Joe H., fr, Hondo
Winton, Robert D., so, Springfield MO
Wise, Millard D., fr, Alice
Woodson, F. W., so, Conroe
Wunder, Charles Newman, fac
Yearwood, Tootsy, fr, Georgetown
Yoas, Forest, so, Francitas
Young, Mary, so, Midway
Young, Mrs. Paul, jr, Georgetown
Young, Paul Patterson, fac