QUEEN, Dudley W.

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Submitted by: sdgenweb@yahoo.com (Joy Fisher)


Dudley W. Queen

Officers and Enlisted Men… 1920

QUEEN, DUDLEY W., assistant surgeon, United States Naval Reserve Force
(class 4).
Died: At Royal Hospital, Haubowline. England.
Date: November 20, 1917.
Cause: Disease (cerebrospinal fever).
Next of kin: David W. Queen (father), care of Cooper & Coker, Georgetown, Tex.
Appointed from Texas.

Additional Comments:

Extracted from:


Vietnam Casualties

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April 26, 2000


Texas Vietnam War Casualties
National Archives and Records Administration Center for Electronic Records

U.S. Military Personnel Who Died (Including Missing and Captured Declared Dead) as a result of the Vietnam conflict, 1957-1995

Listed Alphabetically by Name as of November 1997 Mil. Military – Home of Record – Date of Place of Date of BNR Name Grd. Service City or Town State Death* Death Birth Type of Casualty









*For persons who died while missing or captured, the date of casualty is the date died or declared dead, not the date declared missing or captured. @BNR indicates that the body has not been recovered.

Source: [Southeast Asia] Combat Area Casualties Current File (CACCF), as of November 1997 (electronic record), Records of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Record Group 330, The National Archives at College Park.

For additional information, please contact the Center’s Reference Staff.


Korean War Casualties

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April 23, 2000


Korean War Casualties of Williamson County, Texas

National Archives and Records Administration Center for Electronic Records



EVERTS LOYD W             CPL   ARMY      WILLIAMSON     TEXAS     12 FEB. 1951   DIED OF WOUNDS







Fightin’ Men of Texas

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Contributed by Sadie Kennedy – August 5, 2005


Dallas Morning News 7 Oct 1941 page 5

TAYLOR, Texas —

Private Fist Class LEON V. KUHN of Taylor, was graduated from the airplane mechanics course Sept. 27 of the Chanute Field, ILL., branch of the United States Army Air Corps technical schools. Young Kuhn, the son of Mrs. J. G. Kuhn of this city, enlisted in the Air Corps in June, 1940, and is assigned to Hill Field, Ogden Utah.

WALTER F. FOX, formerly interior decorator with a Dallas furniture store, received the rare distinction for a draftee of having two promotions in five weeks at Fort Sill, Okla, when he was made a technical sergeant assigned to headquarters battery of Field Artillery training center. Post Officials said his rise was rapid for in six months he had risen from a buck private to technical sergeant.


Lewellen Moore

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Contributed by Mary Love Berryman – 16 June 2003


Texas State Archives

First Card

Name & Rank: Moore, Lewellen, 1st Lt.
Comm. Off: Mullen, John W., & Peace, Wiley J., Capt.
Organ: Williamson Bowies, 4th Regt. TC, Col. Wm. H. Parsons commdg., TST
Enlist: Au.18-61 at Georgetown; mus. in Au.27-61 at Camp Tarrant, Ellis Co., for 12 mos.
Disch: Serv.to S.14-61: 18 days at $12–$7.20: mus. out
Descript: O.28-61 at Camp Hebert Age 37
Remarks: R&F 85; En.Off. Capt.Peace: Mus.Off. Col. Parsons Appraisers A.M.Maddus & Wm.J.Stokes; Val.H $165, HE $20, Gun $40, Pistol $40; due for Cloth.140 mi.to place of rendez.; Co. reorganized S.14-61


& new officers elected; Co.comm.S.30-61; 1 MR dtd. Au.27 to O.28-61, 1 valuation roll dtd.Au.27-61 7 1 PR dtd.Au.27 to O.28-61. Listed as Pvt. on valuation roll; promoted from Pvt. to 1st Lt.S.14-61 at Camp Beauregard, Ellis Co.

Second Card

Name & Rank: Moore Lewellen, Pvt
Com. Off: Arnett, C. C., Capt.
Organ: Co.G., Col. R.T.P.Allen’s Regt., TVI, CSA.
Enlist: Apl.16-62 on Je.30-62 MR. & Apl.6-32 on Je.7-62 MR. in Williamson Cty. Mustd.in Apl.24-62 at Camp Terry.
Disch: Apl.24-Je.30-62–2 mos.&7 day ser.
Descript: Age–38 years.
Remarks: R&F 103; Enr. Off. W. Patrick; Mus. Off. R.T.P.Allen; amt.of pay $24.56, Allowance for clothing $25,Stoppages $5.34, balance paid $44.22


Present. 4 MR.dtd.Mar.25-62,Je.7-62,Je.30, 1862 & 1 PR.dtd.Je.30-62 & 1 MR.dtd.Apl. 16-62. Name not on Mar.25-62 & Apl.16-62 Muster Rolls.

1890 Union Soldiers Schedule

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Donated by: “Petra Wright” – October 17, 2005


Index to 1890 Texas Union Soldier Schedule

Transcribed by Petra Wright

Overview of Special Schedule

A special schedule was commissioned as part of the 11th Census of the United States (1890) to identify Union Civil War Veterans or their widows. By 25 years after the close of the Civil War, almost a quarter of a million pension applications had been rejected because applicants could not obtain affidavits proving their service-related disabilities. By incorporating a special schedule with the 1890 Census, the U.S. government hoped to make available a listing of surviving veterans and thus aid applicants in locating fellow soldiers to testify on their behalf.

In addition to the information obtained by the census enumerators, questionnaires were published in major newspapers in hopes of finding veterans overlooked by the census. Efforts to print the information contained in these schedules proved too expensive and were ultimately abandoned.

About a quarter of the 1890 census was burned in 1921. The remainder of the census was badly damaged and all but a handful of schedules were destroyed in 1933. The Union Soldier Schedules, however, were saved since they were in the custody of the Veterans Administration at the time of the Commerce Department Building fire. Unfortunately about half of these schedules (alphabetically Alabama through Kentucky) have been lost or destroyed.

Statistics from 1890 Census Report

The Texas population in 1890 was 2,235,527. Of these, 8,722 surviving Union soldiers and 1,126 Union soldier widows are listed. In contrast to the Union numbers, 66,791 Confederate veterans and 9,605 widows were living in Texas in 1890.

The Schedule Form

The special schedule form asks for the name of the veteran (or widow). If the veteran joined the service with an alias, it is also listed (this index uses “a. John Doe” following the veteran’s name to indicate the alias used). In the case of a widow, the husband’s name follows. Information regarding the military service includes the veteran’s rank, company, regiment or vessel, the dates of enlistment and discharge, and length of service (in years, months and days). The post office address (or institution) of the veteran or widow, the disability incurred by the veteran and general remarks are listed at the bottom of the page.


Index Notes

This index to the schedule lists persons enumerated in Texas during the summer of 1890. That is, these individuals were not necessarily in Texas at the time of the war of rebellion, but may have “gone to Texas” following the war. Likewise, a widow listing does not mean the soldier died during the war but may have died during the 25 years between the end of the war and this census.

This index does not list every field from the special schedule. It does contain the following information:

Name of Veteran (and, if applicable, name of widow)
Military Regiment and Rank
County of Enumeration and microfilm roll number

You are strongly encouraged to look at the microfilms of the original schedules to verify the information contained in this index. While every effort was made to accurately transcribe this information, it is not possible to decipher some of the handwriting with 100% accuracy. Moreover, you will find additional information about veterans which an index does not provide. Four microfilms are available through the National Archives and possibly your local genealogy library. The National Archives uses film numbers M123- xxx for their reference number. The last column of the index lists the number of the roll (xxx).

The counties were grouped or bundled alphabetically by geographical region on the microfilm. The individual sheets are not numbered, but it is easy to find a county on the microfilm. Following is the order of appearance of the counties:

Roll 99 –

Bowie, Camp, Cass, Delta, Fannin, Franklin, Gregg, Harrision, Henderson, Hopkins, Hunt, Lamar, Marion, Morris, Newton, Rains, Red River, Smith, Titus, Upshur, Van Zandt, Wood

Anderson, Angelina, Chambers, Cherokee, Galveston, Hardin, Harris, Houston, Jefferson, Liberty, Montgomery, Nacogdoches, Orange, Panola, Polk, Rusk, Sabine, San Jacinto, Shelby, Trinity, Tyler, Walker

Roll 100 –

Collin, Cooke, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Grayson, Hill, Johnson, Kaufman, McLennan, Navarro, Rockwall, Tarrant, Dallas

Roll 101 –

Austin, Brazoria, Brazos, Burleson, Calhoun, Colorado, Falls, Fayette, Fort Bend, Freestone, Grimes, Jackson, Lavaca, Lee, Leon, Limestone, Madison, Matagorda, Milam, Robertson, Waller, Washington, Wharton

Bexar, Caldwell, Cameron, Comal, DeWitt, Dimmitt, Duval, Frio, Goliad, Gonzales, Guadalupe, Hays, Hidalgo, Karnes, Kinney, La Salle, Live Oak, Maverick, Medina, Nueces, San Paricio, Starr, Travis, Uvalde, Victoria, Webb, Wilson, Zapata, Zavala

Roll 102 –

Bandera, Bell, Blanco, Bosque, Brown, Burnet, Callahan, Coleman, Comanche, Coryell, Eastland, Edwards, Erath, Gillespie, Hamilton, Hood, Kendall, Kerr, Kimble, Lampasas, Llano, McCulloch, Mason, Menard, Mills, Runnels, San Saba, Somerville, Taylor, Williamson

Archver, Armonstrong, Baylor, Carson, Childress, Clay, Collingsworth, Cottle, Deaf Smith, Dickens, Donley, Fisher, Gray, Hall, Hardeman, Hartley, Haskell, Hemphill, Jack, Jones, Kent, King, Knox, Lipscomb, Montague, Ochiltree, Oldham, Palo Pinto, Parker, Potts, Randall, Roberts, Scurry, Shackelford, Sherman, Dallam, Stephens, Stonewall, Throckmorton, Wheeler, Wichita, Wilbarger, Wise, Young

Brewster, Buchel, Ector, El Paso, Foley, Hale, Howard, Jeff Davis, Martin, Midland, Mitchell, Nolan, Pecos, Reeves, Sutton, Swisher, Tom Green, Val Verde

This “bundling” information is available on the first few pages of each Texas microfilm. If a county is not listed, it was not contained in the schedule.

Also note that two “nonexisting” counties–Buchel and Foley Counties–are included. These Texas counties were only in existence from 1887 to 1897. Both were formed from Presidio Co. in 1887 and abolished in 1897.

Confederate Soldiers

This schedule was only designed to find Union soldiers due to the pension problems described earlier. However, a handful of Confederate soldiers were also listed by accident. Many of these were marked out or annotated with “Confed” by individuals responsible for verifying the information. This index adds the word “Confed” to the rank if the schedule so indicates or “x’d out” if only a line is drawn through the entry. If it was only marked out, it does not mean the individual fought for the South (although this is still a possibility). For example, some individuals may have served their country, but not DURING the Civil War. As you can imagine, the markings through the names made many of these names difficult to read.

Order of names

Generally speaking, the enumerators listed the given names first or at least were consistent in the writing of names. However, many lacked consistency. If you are searching for a individual whose surname could also be a given name, search both ways. For example, if you are seeking James John, you should also search for
John James.

Recommended Reading and References

Dilts, Bryan Lee. 1890 Texas Veterans Census: Index of the Civil War Veterans or their Widows. Index Publishing, P.O. Box 11476, Salt Lake City, UT 11476. 1894.

Nelson, Ken. 1890 Census Index Register. Salt Lake City: GSU 1984.

Rugeley, Helen H. “Did the Burning of the 1890 Census Hasten Erection of Archives Bldg? Austin Genealogical Society Quarterly 18:23-25. March 1977.

Sistler, Byron, and sistler, Barbara, 1890 Civil War Veterans Census–Tennesseans in Texas. Evanston, IL Sistler 1978.

Swenson, Helen Smothers. Index to 1890 Census of the United States, Round Rock, TX Swenson 1981.

Thurber, Evangeline, “The 1890 Census Records of the Veterans of the Union Army.” National Genealogical Society Quarterly, 34:7-9, March 1946.

United States Bureau of Census, “Special Schedules of the Eleventh Census (1890) Enumerating Union Veterans and Widows of Union Veterans of the Civil War.” M123. Rolls 99-102.

Last Name       First Name      Widow                 Rank          Regiment          County          Roll    Soundex
Agner           William H.      Sarah F.              Pvt           A 85 Ind Inf      Williamson      102     A256
Allen           W.M.T.          Mary E.               Pvt           K 150 Ill Inf     Williamson      102     A450
Aten            Adrian R.                             Cpl           G 77 Ill Inf      Williamson      102     A350
Baskins         Clark J.        Fannie E.                                                                                               Williamson      102     B252
Bassett         Henry H.                              Cpl           F 88 Ill Inf      Williamson      102     B230
Calloway        John                                  Pvt           D 99 NY Inf       Williamson      102     C400
Camp            Thomas P.                             Cpl           L 2 Ill Cav       Williamson      102     C510
Carpenter       Spencer H.                            Pvt           G 77 Ohio Inf     Williamson      102     C615
Casey           Patrick                                                                                                                                 Williamson      102     C200
Caughron        Blackly C.W.    Elizabeth Gossett     Pvt           D 3 Ky Inf        Williamson      102     C265
Chinn           Justus L.                                                                                                                               Williamson      102     C500
Clem            Harvey                                Pvt           H 15 US Cav       Williamson      102     C450
Compton         Erasmus                               Sgt           C 3 Ky Inf        Williamson      102     C513
Cummings        Mathew J.                             Pvt           H 66 NY Inf       Williamson      102     C552
Davidson        Johnathan                             2nd Sgt       D 32 Ky Inf       Williamson      102     D132
Eckert          Daniel                                                                                                                                  Williamson      102     E263
Ellason         Abe                                                                                                                                     Williamson      102     E425
Erick           William H.                                                                                                                              Williamson      102     E620
Euhl            Seren                                 Pvt           A 14 NY Cav       Williamson      102     E400
Ferges          Isam                                                                                                                                    Williamson      102     F622
Fleming         William P.                            Hosp Steward                    Williamson      102     F455
Floore          William H.                                          K 100 Pa Inf      Williamson      102     F460
Forbes          Jeremiah B.                           Pvt           K 12 Ken Cav      Williamson      102     F612
Forest          David                                               Navy              Williamson      102     F623
Fox                               Nanci                                                                                                   Williamson      102     F200
Frazier         James M.                                                                                                                                Williamson      102     F626
Gardner         Hammond                               Sgt           G 4 Pa Cav        Williamson      102     G635
Gassoway        Joseph W.                             Pvt           D 10 Ten Cav      Williamson      102     G200
Gate                              Mary A.             Pvt           A 13 Ky Cav       Williamson      102     G300
George          William                                                                                                                                 Williamson      102     G620
Gilliam         David C.                                            A 1 Ala Cav       Williamson      102     G450
Gordon          Charles A.                            Cpt           K 39 I__ Inf      Williamson      102     G635
Gorman          Patrick                               Sgt           A 3 Wis Inf       Williamson      102     G655
Gossett         Joel T.                               Pvt           G Ky Inf          Williamson      102     G230
Hammon          James C.                              Pvt           D 45 Ky Inf       Williamson      102     H550
Hammons         John W.           Mariah                                                                                                  Williamson      102     H552
Hill            Frederick                             Pvt           2 Ark Inf         Williamson      102     H400
Hutson          Z.T.              S.T.                Pvt           I 2 Ark Inf       Williamson      102     H325
Ivy             Carry B.                              Pvt           A 6 Tenn Cav      Williamson      102     I100
Jackson         Thomas G.                                                                                                                               Williamson      102     J250
Jones           Green A.                              Pvt           I 11 Ill Cav      Williamson      102     J520
Kauffman        Joseph                                                                                                                                  Williamson      102     K155
Kays            Thomas                                Pvt           D 13 Pa Cav       Williamson      102     K200
Kincaid         James W.                              Pvt           F 86 O            Williamson      102     K523
King            John                                                                                                                                    Williamson      102     K520
Kinner          J. M.                                 Pvt           3 Ill Cav         Williamson      102     K560
Knight          James                                 Pvt           E 7 Tex Inf       Williamson      102     K523
Langford        William A.                                                                                                                              Williamson      102     L521
Laywell         John H.                               Pvt           I 7 Va Cav        Williamson      102     L400
Lee             Henry T.                              1st Duty Sgt  G 1 US Inf        Williamson      102     L000
Linebarger      Jacob                                                                                                                                   Williamson      102     L516
Loekard         John                                                E 82 Ind Inf      Williamson      102     L263
Lucas           William                                                                                                                                 Williamson      102     L220
Lucas           William                               Pvt            Marine           Williamson      102     L220
Marr            Isaac                                 Pvt            H 9 Kan Art      Williamson      102     M600
Miller          N.B.                                  Ord Sgt        C 144 Ind Inf    Williamson      102     M460
Mondoy          William H.         Selear             Pvt                             Williamson      102     M530
Mosby           Jeff                                  Pvt            B 65 US Inf      Williamson      102     M210
Myre            John                                  Pvt            G 4 Mo Cav       Williamson      102     M600
Naylor          George W.                                                                                                                               Williamson      102     N460
Niblo           Henry G.                              Cpl            A 1 Mo Inf       Williamson      102     N140
Nunnery         Caleb                                                                                                                                   Williamson      102     N560
Page            Joseph M.                             1st Lt.        25 US            Williamson      102     P200
Pate            Mathew                                               77 Ill Inf       Williamson      102     P300
Patterson       James                                                                                                                                   Williamson      102     P362
Payne           Charles M.                            Pvt            H 6 Mo Inf       Williamson      102     P500
Payteon         William R.                                                                                                                              Williamson      102     P350
Pelkington      James                                                                                                                                   Williamson      102     P425
Pollack         Thomas J.                             Pvt            14 Ind L.A.      Williamson      102     P420
Raider          Powell                                                                                                                                  Williamson      102     R360
Reed            David M.                              Pvt            B 24 NY Inf      Williamson      102     R300
Reed            David M.                              Pvt            D 24 Iowa Inf    Williamson      102     R300
Rhodes          Jackson                               Pvt            H 7 Ill Inf      Williamson      102     R320
Rigginn         William J.                            Pvt            E 11 Mo Cav      Williamson      102     R250
Riley           A.                                    Pvt            C                Williamson      102     R400
Ross            Joseph B.                             Pvt            C 15 Ohio Inf    Williamson      102     R200
Rowland         John W.                               Pvt            B 7 Mass Cav     Williamson      102     R453
Sammons         Andrew J.                             Pvt            E 7 Ill Cav      Williamson      102     S552
Samuelson       John                                  Pvt            D 29 Mich Inf    Williamson      102     S542
Savage          John                                  Pvt            A 1 Cal Inf      Williamson      102     S120
Scheyley        William                                                                                                                                 Williamson      102     S240
Shackelford     Reuben                                Pvt            C 35 Mo Inf      Williamson      102     S241
Smith           Elisha                                Pvt            B 3 Ill Cav      Williamson      102     S530
Spencer         Orrin L.                              Sgt            F 5 Vt Inf       Williamson      102     S152
Taylor          James E.                                                                                                                                Williamson      102     T460
Tisdale         William J.                            Pvt            G 7 NJ Inf       Williamson      102     T234
Truelove        Harbert H.           Margaret         Pvt            E 1 Ala Cav      Williamson      102     T641
Ward            Jeremiah                              Pvt            E 74 Mo Inf      Williamson      102     W630
Weir            David D.                                                                                                                                Williamson      102     W600
Willeach        Frank                                 Pvt            F 31 Mo Inf      Williamson      102     W420
Williams        George                                Pvt            E 8 US Art       Williamson      102     W452
Worcester       George B.                             1st Sgt        G 2 Vt Inf       Williamson      102     W622
Young           Charles              Fredricka        Capt                            Williamson      102     Y520

Confederate Indigent Families

Printer Friendly


Contributed by Veda Mendosa


From:Texas State Library and Archives Commission

Confederate Indigent Families Lists (1863-1865)

“On November 24, 1863, the Texas Legislature passed a Joint Resolution stating that the government pledged “support and maintenance of [the soldiers’] families during their absence from home.” In accordance with this Resolution, an “Act to Support the Families and Dependents of Texas Soldiers” passed on December 15, 1863. The Act set aside $1,000,000 annually to be paid the “families, widows, and dependents of soldiers currently serving in State or Confederate forces, or of soldiers killed or disabled in service.” Chief Justices of the counties, on or before March 1 in 1864 and 1865, submitted lists of servicemen and the number of their dependents eligible for relief…While the number of dependents are always given, additional information may include some of the following elements: name of the soldier; currently in service; disabled or killed in service; unit; acting head of household.”

Please be aware that only an index of names appears at this site. Linda Mearse has transcribed the records on file in the State Archives in her book, Confederate Indigent Families Lists of Texas 1863-1865. In order to help preserve the original records, please request the Mearse transcription through interlibrary loan. Please contact your local library for further details.


Williamson | Adams, Mrs Sarah
Williamson | Adams,
Williamson | Allen, Mrs C
Williamson | Allen, Mrs C
Williamson | Allen, Cornelia
Williamson | Allen, Mrs Cornelia
Williamson | Anderson, Mrs J
Williamson | Anderson, Jeff
Williamson | Anderson, Mrs Sallie
Williamson | Arledge, Mary
Williamson | Arledge, Mrs Mary
Williamson | Arledge, Mrs Mary
Williamson | Ashbranner, Mrs Susan
Williamson | Asherbranner, Susan
Williamson | Baecaston, Mrs Elizabeth
Williamson | Balden, Mrs
Williamson | Baldwin,
Williamson | Baldwin, Mrs
Williamson | Bannerman, Mrs
Williamson | Barber, J
Williamson | Barber, Johanna
Williamson | Barber, Mrs Johannah
Williamson | Baylston, E
Williamson | Baylston, Mrs E
Williamson | Beck, E C
Williamson | Beck, Mrs Elizabeth C
Williamson | Beck, Mrs P C
Williamson | Berry, Mrs B
Williamson | Berry, H J
Williamson | Berry, Mrs H J
Williamson | Berry, Mrs Hixy
Williamson | Berry, Mrs James
Williamson | Bird, M
Williamson | Bird, Mrs N
Williamson | Bird, Mrs Nancy
Williamson | Blount, Mrs Isabel
Williamson | Blount, M J
Williamson | Bloutn, IssaBell
Williamson | Blownt, Mrs M J
Williamson | Blunt, Mrs IssaBell a
Williamson | Blunt, Mrs Mary J
Williamson | Boren,
Williamson | Boren, Mrs
Williamson | Boren, Mrs
Williamson | Bradberry, E
Williamson | Bradberry, Mrs E A
Williamson | Bradburry, Mrs E
Williamson | Brannaman, Mrs
Williamson | Brown, Mrs
Williamson | Bull,
Williamson | Bull, Mrs
Williamson | Calhoun,
Williamson | CampBell , Mrs M
Williamson | CampBell , Milton
Williamson | CampBell , Mrs Milton
Williamson | Candrom, Mrs Sarah J
Williamson | Casner, Mrs Mary A
Williamson | Clark, A J
Williamson | Clark, Mrs Nancy
Williamson | Clark, Mrs Nancy
Williamson | Cloud, Joseph
Williamson | Cluch, Mrs Alley
Williamson | Cluch, Mrs Alley
Williamson | Colier, Mrs Betty
Williamson | Condron, S J
Williamson | Condron, Mrs Sarah J
Williamson | Copeland, S
Williamson | Copeland, Mrs Salena
Williamson | Copeland, Mrs Salena
Williamson | Cuck, Ally
Williamson | Cunningham, T
Williamson | Cunningham, Mrs Terressa
Williamson | Davis, W
Williamson | Davis, W B
Williamson | Dawson, Mrs Donna
Williamson | Dawson, Mrs Lenna
Williamson | Dawson,
Williamson | Dennis,
Williamson | Dennis, Mrs
Williamson | Dillingham, B
Williamson | Dillingham, Mrs B
Williamson | Dillingham, Mrs B
Williamson | Dixon, Henry
Williamson | Dixon, James
Williamson | Dixon, Mrs Mary
Williamson | Dixon, Mrs Mary J
Williamson | Dixon, Mrs Sarah
Williamson | Dixon, Sarah J
Williamson | Dobbs, W B
Williamson | Dobbs, Mrs
Williamson | Donnell, Mrs Martha
Williamson | Donnell, Mrs Martha
Williamson | Donnell, Mrs Minerva
Williamson | Donnell, Mrs Minerva
Williamson | Donnell, William
Williamson | Donnell,
Williamson | Easton, James
Williamson | Easton, Mrs Lucy
Williamson | Easton, Mrs Lucy
Williamson | Farris,
Williamson | Farris, Mrs
Williamson | Fish, J
Williamson | Fish, John
Williamson | Fish, Mrs M
Williamson | Fish, Mrs Martha
Williamson | Fish, Mrs Martha
Williamson | Fish, Mrs Nancy
Williamson | Fisher, N
Williamson | Fisher, Mrs Nan
Williamson | Fisher, Mrs Nancy
Williamson | Fisher, Mrs Nancy
Williamson | Franklin, Mrs E
Williamson | Franklin, Mrs E
Williamson | Gains, James
Williamson | Gilmore, E
Williamson | Gilmore, Mrs E
Williamson | Gilmore, Mrs E
Williamson | Glass, Mrs Nancy
Williamson | Glass, Mrs Nancy
Williamson | Glass,
Williamson | Gore, W A
Williamson | Gore, Mrs W A
Williamson | Gore, Mrs W A
Williamson | Grimity, Mrs Margaret
Williamson | Grimity, Mrs Margaret
Williamson | Grimity, Margarett
Williamson | Guthrie, B
Williamson | Hail, Mrs Charlott
Williamson | Hail, John S
Williamson | Hale, Mrs Charlott
Williamson | Halford, E
Williamson | Halford, Mrs E
Williamson | Halford, Mrs Eliza
Williamson | Harper, Cain
Williamson | Harper, Mrs Susan
Williamson | Harper, Mrs Susan
Williamson | Heinds, Mrs Nancy
Williamson | Hinds, W
Williamson | Hinds, Mrs W
Williamson | Hinds, Mrs W
Williamson | Huffman, E
Williamson | Huffman, Mrs E
Williamson | Huffman, Mrs E
Williamson | Jackson, Emeline
Williamson | Jackson, Mrs Emeline
Williamson | Johnson, Mrs Martha
Williamson | Johnston, Perry
Williamson | Jones, Mrs Amanda
Williamson | Jones, Mrs Amanda J
Williamson | Jones, Mrs M E
Williamson | Jones, Mrs Martha
Williamson | Jones, Silas
Williamson | Keer, Mrs Sarah
Williamson | Keer, Susan
Williamson | Keet, Mrs Sarah
Williamson | Kile, Mrs Nancy
Williamson | Kyle, N
Williamson | Kyle, Mrs Nancy
Williamson | Lacy, Mrs Martha A
Williamson | Laurance, H
Williamson | Laurance, Mrs Hannah
Williamson | Laurence, Mrs Hannah A
Williamson | Lewis, Mrs Mary
Williamson | Lewis, Mrs Mary
Williamson | Lewis, Mrs Medora
Williamson | Lewis, Nancy
Williamson | Lewis, Nancy
Williamson | Lewis, Mrs Nancy
Williamson | Lord, Mrs Cressia
Williamson | Lord, Mrs Cressy
Williamson | Maberry, Mrs A L
Williamson | Mason, Mrs Ann
Williamson | Mason, R
Williamson | Mason, W R
Williamson | Mason, Mrs W R
Williamson | Mason, Mrs
Williamson | Mays, Mrs Cynthia
Williamson | Mays, Mrs Cynthia
Williamson | Mays, N B
Williamson | Mcmordie, F
Williamson | Mcmordie, Mrs Mary
Williamson | Mcwordie, Mrs Mary L
Williamson | Measely, Mrs Mary J
Williamson | Miller, Ellen
Williamson | Miller, Mrs M A
Williamson | Milna, M
Williamson | Morris, S A
Williamson | Morris, Mrs S A
Williamson | Morris, Mrs Sarah A
Williamson | Mosely, M J
Williamson | Mosely, Mrs M J
Williamson | Moss, A P
Williamson | Moss, Mrs A P
Williamson | Moss, Mrs A P
Williamson | Netherlin, Mrs E
Williamson | Netherlin, M E
Williamson | Netherlin, Mrs Mary E
Williamson | Netherlin, S I
Williamson | Netherlin, Mrs Susan
Williamson | Netherlin, Mrs Susan
Williamson | Oliver, A
Williamson | Oliver, Mrs Ann
Williamson | Oliver, Mrs Cynthia A
Williamson | Parker, J
Williamson | Patrick, A J
Williamson | Patrick, Mrs A J
Williamson | Patrick, Mrs A J
Williamson | Perkins, Cynthia
Williamson | Perkins, Mrs Cynthia
Williamson | Perkins, Mrs Cynthia
Williamson | Perry, B
Williamson | Perry, Mrs Hannah C
Williamson | Perry, James
Williamson | Perry, Mrs Margaret E
Williamson | Philly, Calvin
Williamson | Pickel,
Williamson | Potate, Mary
Williamson | Potate, Mrs Mary
Williamson | Potate, Mrs Mary A
Williamson | Prater, M A
Williamson | Prater, Mrs
Williamson | Price, E
Williamson | Price, Mrs Effa
Williamson | Price, Mrs Effa
Williamson | Ramsy, J
Williamson | Ramsy, Mrs Jane
Williamson | Ratliff, Mrs Inga
Williamson | Ratliff, Mrs Ivy
Williamson | Ratliff, J
Williamson | Rhea, John
Williamson | Richie, J E
Williamson | Richie, Mrs J E
Williamson | Richie, Mrs Jane E
Williamson | Robbins, George
Williamson | Robbins, Lemual
Williamson | Rodger, Mrs John
Williamson | Rodgers, Mrs J
Williamson | Rodgers, John
Williamson | Rose,
Williamson | Rose, Mrs
Williamson | Rose, Mrs
Williamson | Rumsey, Mrs Jane
Williamson | Salyers, R
Williamson | Salyers, Mrs Rhoda
Williamson | Salzer, Mrs Rhody
Williamson | Sawyer, S E
Williamson | Sawyers, Mrs Emma
Williamson | Sawyers, Mrs S
Williamson | Scott, Mrs Margaret
Williamson | Sexton, M M
Williamson | Sexton, Mrs Mary A
Williamson | Sexton, Mrs Mary A
Williamson | Seymore, E
Williamson | Seymore, Mrs Elizabeth
Williamson | Seymore, Mrs Elizabeth
Williamson | Shannon, Mrs N C
Williamson | Shannon, Mrs Nancy
Williamson | Sherman, Jackson
Williamson | Sherman, Mrs Mary J
Williamson | Sherman, Mrs Mary J
Williamson | Shiltz, Mrs
Williamson | Shoults, Mrs S
Williamson | Shultz,
Williamson | Shumate, Mrs
Williamson | Slaughter, Mrs Nancy J
Williamson | Slaughter, S
Williamson | Slaughter, Mrs Sarah
Williamson | Slaughter, Thom
Williamson | Smart, B
Williamson | Smart, Mrs Elizabeth
Williamson | Smart, Mrs Elizabeth
Williamson | Smart, J
Williamson | Smart, Mrs Sarah
Williamson | Smart, Mrs Sarah
Williamson | Smith, Mrs Mary A
Williamson | Smith, Mrs Mary A
Williamson | Smith, Mrs May A
Williamson | Smith, Mrs Sarah J
Williamson | Snyder, Sam
Williamson | Spencer, W
Williamson | Stacy, E
Williamson | Standifer, David
Williamson | Staton, Mrs Martha
Williamson | Studor, Miko
Williamson | Studor, Mrs T
Williamson | Sutton, T
Williamson | Sutton, Mrs Tennesee
Williamson | Sutton, Mrs Tessie
Williamson | Taylor, W
Williamson | Thomas, B
Williamson | Thompson,
Williamson | Townsend, Mrs Elvira
Williamson | Townsend, Mrs Elvira
Williamson | Townsend,
Williamson | Vickers, M J
Williamson | Vickers, Mrs M J
Williamson | Vickers, Mrs Mary J
Williamson | Vickers, S E
Williamson | Vickers, Mrs Sarah
Williamson | Vickers, Mrs Sarah E
Williamson | Wade, E A
Williamson | Wade, Mrs E A
Williamson | Wade, Mrs E A
Williamson | Waldrop, Mrs Clarrissa
Williamson | Waldrop, Mrs Clarrissy
Williamson | Waldrop, H
Williamson | Walker, J B
Williamson | Walters, L
Williamson | Walters, Mrs Louisa
Williamson | Walters, Mrs Louisa
Williamson | Warmble, Mrs Susan
Williamson | White, Mrs
Williamson | Wiesz, Mrs Elizabeth
Williamson | Williams, Martha
Williamson | Williams, Mrs Martha E
Williamson | Wimberly, M
Williamson | Wimberly, Mrs M
Williamson | Wimberly, Mrs Mary
Williamson | Winns, Mrs Elizabeth
Williamson | Wins, Elizabeth
Williamson | Wormble, Mrs Susan
Williamson | Wormble,
Williamson | Young, Mrs Catherine

Pension Applications Index, N-W

Printer Friendly


402 record(s) were found matching your search for all records in Williamson County
Claimant Name Application Number County Husband Husband’s Application Number

M – W

Nelson, J. W. 04395 Williamson
Neuman, Mary C. 37535 Williamson Neuman, Florian
Nichols, James F. 28941 Williamson
Noble, G. O. rej Williamson
Obermiller, Minna 04396 Williamson Obermiller, William
Olive, Mary E. 37448 Williamson Olive, Andrew Jackson
Orgain, Sterling 04424 Williamson
Osteen, J. M. 04423 Williamson
Osteen, W. P. 04425 Williamson
Pace, Henry T. 27665 Williamson
Pace, L. E. (Mrs) 35672 Williamson Pace, Henry T. 27665
Palmer, Susan rej Williamson Palmer, Isaiah Tyson
Parker, M. V. (Mrs) 04403 Williamson Parker, O. M. L.
Parker, R. B. 08160 Williamson
Patrick, Woodson 22353 Williamson
Payne, George Washington 23608 Williamson
Peaslee, Cordelia 47906 Williamson Peaslee, Henry Norcross
Pegram, C. 08519 Williamson
Perkins, Lorena 18531 Williamson Perkins, Jesse Nelson
Perry, B. T. 04993 Williamson
Perry, Margaret E. 41652 Williamson Perry, James Wesley
Pettus, William Gibson 45407 Williamson
Pierce, F. M. 04985 Williamson
Pinson, Mary J. 10236 Williamson Pinson, George W.
Pope, George C. rej Williamson
Pope, Wilson 04426 Williamson
Pruitt, Caroline 10237 Williamson Pruitt, James
Pullen, M. A. (Mrs) 07080 Williamson Pullen, James
Ramsey, John 04397 Williamson
Rankin, Irene A. 33709 Williamson Rankin, Robert Wesley
Ratliff, Joshua B. 35423 Williamson
Raven, Hugo H. 34938 Williamson
Reed, Lucy Caroline 52081 Williamson Reed, Sanford Pellum
Renick, Mary Catherine 42228 Williamson Renick, Robert
Riggan, W. C. 24502 Williamson
Robbins, A. R. 04428 Williamson
Robertson, A. D. (Mrs) 30291 Williamson Robertson, Samuel 08798
Robertson, Samuel 08798 Williamson
Roddy, William, Sr. (Mrs) 46181 Williamson William, Sr. 35066
Rogers, M. J. (Mrs) 32033 Williamson Rogers, John Henry 00577
Rogers, Robert 04427 Williamson
Rose, Elizabeth 51891 Williamson Rose, Herman
Rosewood, Eliza Makemson 51369 Williamson Rosewood, Henry Francisco
Ross, M. A. (Mrs) 04987 Williamson Ross, E. H.
Rudasill, Della B. 47983 Williamson Rudasill, John Wood
Sams, Mary E. 46576 Williamson Sams, Calhoun
Sanders, J. F. 07026 Williamson
Sanders, M. A. (Mrs) 04429 Williamson Sanders, James
Sanderson, B. P. 04986 Williamson
Saul, James 09911 Williamson
Saunders, Andrew Jackson 04399 Williamson
Scallorn, Joab 04400 Williamson
Scott, Georgia A. 26508 Williamson Scott, Thomas Washington
Scruggs, W. A. 04402 Williamson
Server, Sarah Jane 49314 Williamson Server, George Washington
Seward, Mary Jane 42564 Williamson Seward, William R. 41500
Seward, William R. 41500 Williamson
Sharp, Addison 04401 Williamson
Shaw, W. C. 09910 Williamson
Sillure, J. W. 19335 Williamson
Simmons, D. P. 09125 Williamson
Simmons, Eliza 46050 Williamson Simmons, David Luke
Simmons, W. M. 27409 Williamson
Sloss, Leander L. 09368 Williamson
Smith, L. J. (Mrs) 22071 Williamson Smith, John Culpepper
Smith, L. T. (Mrs) 30896 Williamson Smith, Henry Clinton
Smith, M. A. (Mrs) 26177 Williamson Smith, William Walsh
Smith, Mary J. 46872 Williamson Smith, Charles Henry
Snavely, G. G. 11749 Williamson
Sorrells, Effie 30786 Williamson Sorrells, William Leonidas
Southern, Elizabeth 34677 Williamson Southern, William Samuel 25428
Southern, William Samuel 25428 Williamson
Sparks, W. A. J. 04398 Williamson
Speegle, E. H. 18527 Williamson
Speegle, J. M. 36475 Williamson
Stanton, Oma J. 46871 Williamson Stanton, Oscar F.
Stearnes, Martha A. 11699 Williamson Stearnes, Samuel
Stearns, Ancil 04430 Williamson
Stephen, Gary Davis 29241 Williamson
Stephen, Sallie 38874 Williamson Stephen, Gary Davis 29241
Stephens, G. D. 16973 Williamson
Stephens, Isaac 08859 Williamson
Stephens, Nancy Maria 19334 Williamson Stephens, Isaac 08859
Stirling, Joseph 11698 Williamson
Stirling, Melissa C. 18530 Williamson Stirling, Joseph 11698
Tabor, Georgia 20861 Williamson Tabor, John Patrick Henry 04595
Tabor, John Patrick Henry 04595 Williamson
Teevan, George Devere 04432 Williamson
Thomas, J. J. rej Williamson
Thompson, Decie Ann 42742 Williamson Thompson, John Jasper
Thompson, Sarah Jane 34398 Williamson Thompson, Thomas Jefferson 27167
Thompson, Thomas Jefferson 27167 Williamson
Thornbury, Laura M. 30899 Williamson Thornbury, Robert Newton
Thornton, S. A. (Mrs) 04433 Williamson Thornton, G. E.
Thorp, Milton Ashford 27460 Williamson
Thrift, V. E. (Mrs) 04431 Williamson Thrift, Robert
Thwing, Fannie 30265 Williamson Thwing, James
Townsend, A. B. rej Williamson
Tubb, Horatio James (Mrs) 43430 Williamson Tubb, Horatio James
Usry, Martha C. 40546 Williamson Usry, James Adolphus
Valentine, Margaret M. 36857 Williamson Valentine, John Carter
Wade, E. C. (Mrs) 49894 Williamson Stanford, Andrew Jackson
Walker, G. A. 29430 Williamson
Walker, Madora V. 20281 Williamson Walker, Peter Elisha 07551
Walker, Peter Elisha 07551 Williamson
Wallace, Madora E. 50344 Williamson Wallace, Abram Fendly
Wallace, Mary 43875 Williamson Wallace, Howard Archie
Walling, Isabella Y. 16974 Williamson Walling, John Edwin
Walton, M. G. rej Williamson
Ward, John 42982 Williamson
Ward, R. J. (Mrs) rej Williamson Ward, James
Watson, James Riley 16975 Williamson
Watson, P. C. (Mrs) 30558 Williamson Watson, James Riley 16975
Wauson, W. P. 04405 Williamson
Weatherford, H. F. 04437 Williamson
Webster, Mary A. 23104 Williamson Webster, William Martin
Wells, John 04404 Williamson
Weston, Florence E. 30341 Williamson Weston, George Reuben
White, B. F. 04436 Williamson
Whitted, Sarah R. 23589 Williamson Whitted, John Hodges
Whittenberg, T. D. 04434 Williamson
Whittenberg, T. D. (Mrs) 12680 Williamson Whittenberg, T. D. 04434
Wigginton, Alfred Mortimer 16978 Williamson
Wigginton, M. J. (Mrs) 30807 Williamson Wigginton, Alfred Mortimer 16978
Williams, Ann 40158 Williamson Williams, Joel R. 20831
Williams, Elizabeth E. 49700 Williamson Williams, Isaac Milton
Williams, Joel R. 20831 Williamson
Williams, Nancy 50637 Williamson Williams, Noah Hezekiah
Williams, Nancy Catharine 33994 Williamson Williams, William Oliver 20834
Williams, William Crawford 12198 Williamson
Williams, William Oliver 20834 Williamson
Williamson, Sarah Anne 49160 Williamson Williamson, Alexander Drew Flowers
Wilson, Lucinda 30327 Williamson Wilson, Pinkney Washington
Wilson, Margaret Ann 31222 Williamson Wilson, John
Wilson, Martha C. 18534 Williamson Wilson, Elias Benton
Wilson, Mary Ann 36115 Williamson Wilson, Joseph Jerome
Wilson, Mary C. rej Williamson Wilson, Nathaniel Hogg
Wilson, P. W. 04435 Williamson
Witcher, Armstead M. 39045 Williamson
Wolters, Wilhelmina 21100 Williamson Wolters, Edward
Woodworth, Sarah E. rej Williamson Woodworth, Silas Franklin
Wooten, J. E. 16979 Williamson
Wright, Virginia E. 18533 Williamson Wright, William 08870
Wynn, Elizabeth L. rej Williamson Wynn, George F.

Pension Applications Index, A-M

Printer Friendly


402 record(s) were found matching your search for all records in Williamson County
Claimant Name Application Number County Husband Husband’s Application Number

A – M

Adams, Mary 04390 Williamson Adams, George
Adams, Wiley 21018 Williamson
Adkins, William Anderson 04389 Williamson
Allen, Addie 20360 Williamson Allen, George Washington 19336
Allen, Addie M. 36054 Williamson Allen, Richard Ellis
Allen, Emily M. 32507 Williamson Allen, Robert Russell 22811
Allen, George Washington 19336 Williamson
Allen, M. M. rej Williamson
Allen, Rebecca 14048 Williamson Allen, W. G.
Allen, Robert Russell 22811 Williamson
Allen, T. P. 04407 Williamson
Allen, W. W. rej Williamson
Amidon, Almedia rej Williamson Amidon, Dwight Calvert 38436
Anderson, Malinda E. 10555 Williamson Anderson, John M.
Anderson, Thomas H. 40343 Williamson
Ashabranner, W. H. 04406 Williamson
Avent, Bettie Simmons 12201 Williamson Avent, J. L.
Awalt, William Quinn 12200 Williamson
Awalt, William Quinn (Mrs) 43116 Williamson Awalt, William Quinn 12200
Baker, James Franklin 04411 Williamson
Baker, Nancy 07396 Williamson Baker, S. W.
Barclay, John Bunion 19924 Williamson
Barclay, Martha 41982 Williamson Barclay, John Bunion 19924
Barfield, Elcy 04982 Williamson
Barker, R. B. rej Williamson
Claimant Name Application Number County Husband Husband’s Application Number
402 record/s found
Barnett, James Hartwell 42506 Williamson
Barnett, Lucy Ann rej Williamson Barnett, John Perry
Barnett, M. F. (Mrs) 49600 Williamson Mason, John Perry
Barnett, Mary V. 43603 Williamson Barnett, James Hartwell 42506
Barrier, S. A. (Mrs) 04980 Williamson Barrier, C. R.
Barrington, W. W. 16966 Williamson
Barry, William T. rej Williamson
Battaile, E. J. (Mrs) 04409 Williamson Battaile, I. F.
Beaver, Cynthia Arabella 47078 Williamson Beaver, Ambrose Clarke
Belyen, R. J. (Mrs) 07082 Williamson Belyen, W. F.
Bernhard, Joseph 09761 Williamson
Black, Cordelia F. 33979 Williamson Black, John Winters 28570
Black, John Winters 28570 Williamson
Blackman, G. J. 04410 Williamson
Blanton, Nelson Ransom 25743 Williamson
Bolding, F. G. 12715 Williamson
Booth, E. C. (Mrs) 04391 Williamson Booth, George R.
Bowen, F. E. 27188 Williamson
Bower, S. A. (Mrs) rej Williamson Bower, J. P.
Boyd, J. S. 26451 Williamson
Brazee, S. F. (Mrs) 04412 Williamson Brazee, W. C.
Brewer, J. H. 20566 Williamson
Brewster, E. M. 22744 Williamson
Bridges, Mary Ellen 40611 Williamson Bridges, Alfred Theodore
Brooks, W. W. 08518 Williamson
Brown, M. M. (Mrs) 21664 Williamson Brown, Simeon Keene
Brown, Sam A. 37676 Williamson
Bryce, D. W. 22444 Williamson
Brymer, Mary 44025 Williamson Brymer, Amos Posey
Bryson, Josephine 36513 Williamson Bryson, Thomas Noble
Buchanan, Nancy Ann 04988 Williamson Buchanan, F. M.
Bullington, James Newton 27208 Williamson
Bullington, Mary Isabell 40319 Williamson Bullington, James Newton 27208
Bundy, Martha rej Williamson Bundy, Zachery Taylor
Burden, Carroll 04408 Williamson
Burke, I. R. 16967 Williamson
Burkhart, Della 46479 Williamson Burkhart, John Harvey 42204
Burkhart, John Harvey 42204 Williamson
Burnett, N. P. (Mrs) rej Williamson Burnett, J. L.
Burns, Sallie 09527 Williamson Burns, John R.
Campbell, J. I. rej Williamson
Capshaw, J. J. (Mrs) 34360 Williamson Capshaw, Caswell Carver
Carlile, J. D. 49512 Williamson
Casbeer, Amy 39493 Williamson Casbeer, William Madison 39258
Casbeer, William Madison 39258 Williamson
Casey, Hugh 20937 Williamson
Casey, J. Isabel 04415 Williamson Casey, Willis
Caskey, Cordelia A. 36675 Williamson Caskey, George Decolb 32906
Caskey, George Decolb 32906 Williamson
Champion, John 04392 Williamson
Chapman, Lavina Ann rej Williamson Chapman, William
Chapman, Martha J. 47073 Williamson Chapman, Thomas Allen
Chrietzberg, Belle P. 29351 Williamson Chrietzberg, Bond English
Clanton, E. J. Gilreath 36004 Williamson Gilreath, Nathan David
Clark, J. K. rej Williamson
Clark, J. R. 20697 Williamson
Clark, Mary Jane 47996 Williamson Clark, John Alexander White
Clinkscales, B. T. 12678 Williamson
Cluck, Barbara E. 29362 Williamson Cluck, Joseph Jackson
Cluck, R. J. 04413 Williamson
Cochran, P. M. (Mrs) rej Williamson Cochran, James
Cocke, Lizzie Y. 43884 Williamson Cocke, Thomas Foster 11273
Collier, Willis B. 09912 Williamson
Condra, L. B. 28254 Williamson
Crain, W. B. (Mrs) 45734 Williamson Crain, Uriah Yorke
Cromer, Jarrett 04414 Williamson
Dabbs, Mary A. E. 29379 Williamson Dabbs, Jesse Franklin
Daniel, Annie 42416 Williamson Daniel, William Madison
Davis, Harriet 04417 Williamson Davis, John P.
Davis, James Tillman 26214 Williamson
Davis, John E. 20626 Williamson
Davis, John L. 47041 Williamson
Davis, T. M., Sr. 04416 Williamson
Davis, W. S. 04991 Williamson
Dayton, Nicholas 28485 Williamson
Debardeleben, Mary C. 45799 Williamson Debardeleben, John Frederick
Denson, A. C. (Mrs) 35216 Williamson Denson, James Madison
Denson, James Harvey (Mrs) 46874 Williamson Denson, James Harvey
Denson, Mary F. 19698 Williamson Denson, William Henry
Dooley, James Luther rej Williamson
Dorroh, Mattie E. 43410 Williamson Dorroh, David L.
Dorsett, Elizabeth Jennie 12202 Williamson Dorsett, Theodore James
Douglass, J. C. 33919 Williamson
Doyle, S. P. (Mrs) 04995 Williamson Doyle, W. G.
Dozier, Marshall Elias (Mrs) 50559 Williamson Dozier, Marshall Elias
Draper, J. M. 22214 Williamson
Driver, Martha 51761 Williamson Driver, Andrew Jackson 26622
Duckett, E. J. 36514 Williamson
Duey, Amelia W. 20979 Williamson Duey, James 03602
Dunn, Nannie 41011 Williamson Dunn, Thomas Newton
Dunn, Samuel H. 04979 Williamson
Dycus, N. C. (Mrs) rej Williamson Dycus, E. H.
Eanes, Nancy Jane 50532 Williamson Eanes, Thomas Jefferson
Earthman, I. Y. 12203 Williamson
Eckman, Daniel rej Williamson
Eckman, Susan R. 18740 Williamson Eckman, Daniel
Edney, S. S. 04418 Williamson
Eller, Margeret E. rej Williamson Eller, Robert Williamson 08799
Eller, Robert Williamson 08799 Williamson
Elliott, Thomas A. 21081 Williamson
Ewing, Ella Thomas 29925 Williamson Ewing, James Thomas
Farr, Mary Margaret 50957 Williamson Farr, Thomas Jefferson
Farrow, L. R. 16969 Williamson
Faubion, Ann Elizabeth 41482 Williamson Faubion, John Milton 08596
Ferges, Isom 28588 Williamson
Ferguson, R. S. 04981 Williamson
Fine, E. L. (Mrs) 49618 Williamson Fine, Spencer
Fisk, M. R. E. (Mrs) 45777 Williamson Fisk, James Betholomew
Fleager, M. A. (Mrs) 36005 Williamson Fleager, Charles Nathaniel
Ford, Mary C. 49413 Williamson Ford, Lafayette George
Ford, Sarah Pharr 49398 Williamson Ford, William Edward
Fox, A. J. 08858 Williamson
Fullerton, Mattie 43092 Williamson Fullerton, George Franklin
Gage, J. A. 16968 Williamson
Gahagan, M. F. (Mrs) 43556 Williamson Gahagan, Thomas Benton 19895
Gahagan, Thomas Benton 19895 Williamson
Gallatin, Sarah M. 45287 Williamson Gallatin, John Fishel 25074
Garner, Artelia Willis 49327 Williamson Garner, Claibourne 46775
Garner, Claiborn 46775 Williamson
Garrett, E. M. (Mrs) 30866 Williamson Garrett, William Harvey 12065
Garrison, John Henry 49879 Williamson
Geldmacher, Marie 31676 Williamson Geldmacher, John Ludwig Wilhem
Gibbs, J. P. 12199 Williamson
Gilstrap, N. P. (Mrs) 07081 Williamson Gilstrap, J. C.
Gray, B. S. 18528 Williamson
Green, C. C. 04990 Williamson
Green, James rej Williamson
Green, S. F. 04984 Williamson
Green, William 16977 Williamson
Gregory, Sarah E. 16976 Williamson Gregory, John Fleming
Griggs, Mary A. rej Williamson Griggs, Squire Shedrick
Grigsby, W. H. 23598 Williamson
Grumbles, T. A. 47099 Williamson
Hager, Elizabeth Jane 49328 Williamson Hager, Simon C. 25449
Hager, Simon C. 25449 Williamson
Hairston, Victoria 49947 Williamson Hairston, Moses B.
Hall, Amanda C. 18535 Williamson Hall, David Wesley
Hall, D. W. rej Williamson
Hall, F. M. 16971 Williamson
Hamilton, Nettie E. 37016 Williamson Hamilton, Samuel Winborn 20959
Hamilton, Samuel Winborn 20959 Williamson
Hancock, William Powell 11170 Williamson
Hankins, John Alexander 14047 Williamson
Hankins, Mary 39555 Williamson Hankins, John Alexander 14047
Harbison, John D. 04419 Williamson
Hardin, Joseph R. 28893 Williamson
Hardin, Mattie 37646 Williamson Hardin, Joseph R. 28893
Hardt, Matilda 12679 Williamson Hardt, Frederick W.
Harrell, M. A. (Mrs) 41977 Williamson Harrell, William Marion
Harris, A. C. (Mrs) 27170 Williamson Harris, Alexander S.
Harris, I. H. 47034 Williamson
Harrison, James Washington 04393 Williamson
Harrison, Reuben 28545 Williamson
Harrison, Texie 40552 Williamson Harrison, William Henry 09762
Harrison, William Henry 09762 Williamson
Hawthorn, L. A. (Mrs) 41680 Williamson Hawthorn, William Ryburn
Hedrick, W. H. 23095 Williamson
Henderson, Nathaniel Quince 16970 Williamson
Henderson, Sallie W. 25931 Williamson Henderson, Nathaniel Quince 16970
Henry, Ezrakiel Clinton 10524 Williamson
Henry, Sarah Jane 37837 Williamson Henry, Ezrakiel Clinton 10524
Hickman, Emily C. 47231 Williamson Hickman, Joseph Sumpter
Hobbs, Laura 47766 Williamson Hobbs, William Rufus
Hodges, Cornelia C. 49297 Williamson Hodges, John Henry
Hollamon, Nina 18536 Williamson Hollamon, David Kanagy
Holt, J. H. 04994 Williamson
Hood, I. N. 10783 Williamson
Hoyle, Edna 30192 Williamson Hoyle, Jacob F. 21829
Hoyle, Jacob F. 21829 Williamson
Huddleston, J. W. 25494 Williamson
Hughes, Martha Louisa 20441 Williamson Hughes, Louis Cass
Hurt, L. F. 21476 Williamson
Hutton, Milton C. 40600 Williamson
Inman, Mary C. 51082 Williamson Inman, Samuel Chelton
Jackson, Martha Emaline McGuire 39353 Williamson McGuire, Doctor Wesley
James, A. J. 24087 Williamson
Jennings, Malinda 34086 Williamson Jennings, Flern P.
Johns, Annie R. 42977 Williamson Johns, John Bunyan
Johnson, Ann 42081 Williamson Johnson, Robert Mortemer
Joiner, Mary E. 04420 Williamson Joiner, W. M.
Jones, Emma 49898 Williamson Jones, James Lacurgus
Jones, L. B. 22627 Williamson
Keel, William 07083 Williamson
Kerr, Robert O. 28733 Williamson
Kilpatrick, Joshua Young 08520 Williamson
King, John 04983 Williamson
Kirby, Harriet 04394 Williamson Kirby, James E.
Kritser, John S. rej Williamson
Kritser, Martha E. 49146 Williamson Kritser, John S.
Lane, M. E. (Mrs) rej Williamson Lane, I. W.
Lauck, E. B. (Mrs) 47298 Williamson Lauck, Theodore Herney 23702
Lawrence, Martha A. 33152 Williamson Lawrence, James Hamilton
Laws, Robert Wilson 22912 Williamson
Lawson, I. D. 10504 Williamson
Lee, M. M. rej Williamson
Long, J. C. rej Williamson
Maddox, L. A. 16972 Williamson
Makemson, David Ruthvin 19874 Williamson
Makemson, Rebecca Ann 49269 Williamson Makemson, David Ruthvin 19874
Mangham, Charles A. 36111 Williamson
Mankins, William H. 19419 Williamson
Marshall, J. C. (Mrs) 27059 Williamson Marshall, Jesse
Martin, Matthew Alexander 07395 Williamson
Mason, S. H. 04992 Williamson
Matthews, Savannah 18529 Williamson Matthews, Benjamin Emory
Mayfield, P. F. (Mrs) 22457 Williamson Mayfield, James Spencer
McAfee, M. E. Holden (Mrs) 42855 Williamson Holden, William Jasper
McAllister, George 19515 Williamson
McCann, J. F. rej Williamson
McCann, John Foster 50541 Williamson
McCann, Ollie 51007 Williamson McCann, John Foster 50541
McCaskill, Peter M. 20648 Williamson
McClure, S. C. (Mrs) 45063 Williamson McClure, Green
McCurdy, May 50427 Williamson McCurdy, John Newton Lyle
McDaniel, Rocky 50438 Williamson McDaniel, Lewis Granger
McGinnis, Angeleta F. 28603 Williamson McGinnis, Asa
McGowan, Eliza Cadwell rej Williamson Cadwell, Daniel
McKamy, B. B. 04421 Williamson
McKamy, Sallie L. 08517 Williamson
McLaughlin, Amelia C. 29867 Williamson McLaughlin, Washington Lafayette
Mears, Jos. W. 04422 Williamson
Mercer, John S. 04989 Williamson
Miller, Hannah rej Williamson
Miller, Mary A. 39938 Williamson Miller, Adam Clark
Minton, Mary E. 36194 Williamson Minton, Willis Howard 16017
Mitcheal, Reuben Stephens 47097 Williamson
Mitchusson, Margaret Ivy 34206 Williamson Mitchusson, William Edward 11171
Mitchusson, William Edward 11171 Williamson
Montgomery, Eliza K. 49161 Williamson Montgomery, James Albert
Montgomery, Russell Harrison 25241 Williamson
Montgomery, Sallie K. 32971 Williamson Montgomery, Russell Harrison 25241
Morris, Martha Elizabeth 18532 Williamson Morris, Edward Dobbins
Morrison, T. E. (Mrs) 49088 Williamson Morrison, Matthew Lewis